Quantum Gravity Colloquium 6
Wednesday 5 October 2011 (09:00)
Friday 7 October 2011 (18:30)
Monday 3 October 2011
Tuesday 4 October 2011
Wednesday 5 October 2011
09:00 - 09:15
Room: Lecture Hall F
Kristina Giesel: Canonical Dynamics: From Classical to Quantum
Kristina Giesel: Canonical Dynamics: From Classical to Quantum
09:15 - 10:15
Room: Lecture Hall F
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
10:15 - 11:00
Room: Lecture Hall F
Andreas Thurn: An Invitation to the New Variables, with Possible Applications
Andreas Thurn: An Invitation to the New Variables, with Possible Applications
11:00 - 11:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
Norbert Bodendorfer: Possible Applications of Loop Quantum Supergravity
Norbert Bodendorfer: Possible Applications of Loop Quantum Supergravity
11:45 - 12:30
Room: Lecture Hall F
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
12:30 - 14:00
Jakub Mielczarek: Quantum dynamics of the reduced phase space loop cosmology
Jakub Mielczarek: Quantum dynamics of the reduced phase space loop cosmology
14:00 - 14:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
In standard loop quantum cosmology (LQC) one applies the Dirac quantisation method, which postpones solution of the Hamiltonian constraints to the quantum level. In the alternative approach, called the reduced phase space (RPS) quantisation, one solves constraints already at the classical level and quantisation is carried out on the physical phase space. In this talk, we present reduced phase space quantisation of the loop cosmology with a free scalar field. We define physical Hamiltonian for this model which is proven to be essentially self-adjoint. Subsequently, the time is introduced by virtue of the Stone's theorem. Based on this, we study evolution of the coherent quantum states in this framework. We investigate fluctuations of the quantum variables in the resulting bouncing universe. Finally, we address the issue so-called cosmic recall and cosmic amnesia in the framework of RPS LQC.
Torsten Schönfeld: Gauge fixing and dynamical r-matrices in 2+1 gravity
Torsten Schönfeld: Gauge fixing and dynamical r-matrices in 2+1 gravity
14:45 - 15:30
Room: Lecture Hall F
We construct the gauge-invariant phase space of 2+1-dimensional gravity via Dirac's gauge fixing procedure. We describe the resulting Dirac bracket and show that it is related to dynamical r-matrices.
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
15:30 - 16:15
Room: Lecture Hall F
Remigiusz Durka: Gravitational Noether charges and Immirzi parameter
Remigiusz Durka: Gravitational Noether charges and Immirzi parameter
16:15 - 17:00
Room: Lecture Hall F
It has been shown that the mass, angular momentum and entropy can be obtained from the gravitational diffeomorphic Noether charges. Now the constrained topological BF theory with anti-de Sitter gauge group allows to extend this approach to the case of the first order gravity with a negative cosmological constant, the Holst modification and topological invariants (Nieh-Yan, Euler, and Pontryagin). Topological terms contribute to the boundary terms in the regularization scheme for asymptotically AdS spacetimes in a way that differentiability of the action is automatically secured. Intriguingly, derived thermodynamics does not depend on the Immirzi parameter for the AdS-Schwarzschild and AdS-Kerr cases.
Michał Szcząchor: The symmetric consistent matter field coupling to Holst action with full set of topological term
Michał Szcząchor: The symmetric consistent matter field coupling to Holst action with full set of topological term
17:00 - 17:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
"Symmetries can preserve some physical properties". In the talk it will be emphasized how the symmetries of the theory can prevent physical properties which one can expected. In particular the Holst action with enlarged symmetries as well as a matter coupling will be discussed. The MacDowell-Mansuri construction will be used as a nice mathematical method to add extra symmetries like supersymmetry or Maxwell-AdS symmetry. By this construction the gravitino field or constant electromagnetic filed will be introduced. Also an another matter fields will be added to Holst action. It will be shown that as a consequences of use the supersymmetry, the Immirzi parameter does not occur in classical dynamics.
Thursday 6 October 2011
Frank Hellmann - Spin foams, state sums, etc.
Frank Hellmann - Spin foams, state sums, etc.
09:45 - 10:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:15
Room: Lecture Hall F
Mingyi Zhang: Asymptotics of spin foam amplitude on simplicial manifold
Mingyi Zhang: Asymptotics of spin foam amplitude on simplicial manifold
11:15 - 12:00
Room: Lecture Hall F
I will show the recent work on the asymptotic behavior of spin foam amplitude on simplicial manifold, which are done with Muxin Han. We show that for a critical configuration, we can classify the solution in to different types both in Euclidean and Lorentz model. Therefore the Regge action reproduced here can be viewed as a discretized Palatini action with on-shell connection. The asymptotic formula of the spin foam amplitude is given by a sum of the amplitudes evaluated at all possible critical congurations, which are the products of the amplitudes associated to dierent type of geometries
Wolfgang Wieland: Twistorial phase space for complex Ashtekar variables
Wolfgang Wieland: Twistorial phase space for complex Ashtekar variables
12:00 - 12:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
We generalise the SU(2) spinor framework of twisted geometries developed by Dupuis, Freidel, Livine, Speziale and Tambornino to the Lorentzian case, that is the group SL(2,C). We show that the phase space for complex valued Ashtekar variables on a spinnetwork graph can be decomposed in terms of twistorial variables. To every link there are two twistors---one to each boundary point---attached. The formalism provides a new derivation of the solution space of the simplicity constraints of loop quantum gravity. Key properties of the EPRL spinfoam model are perfectly recovered.
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
12:45 - 14:15
Antonia Zipfel: Solving the Euclidean Scalar Constraints by Spin-Foam Methods
Antonia Zipfel: Solving the Euclidean Scalar Constraints by Spin-Foam Methods
14:15 - 15:00
Room: Lecture Hall F
It is often emphasized that spin-foam models could realize a projection on the physical Hilbert space of canonical Loop Quantum Gravity in the spirit of a rigging map construction. If this is indeed the case then the constraints have to vanish in the physical scalar product defined through spin-foams. We analyze the one-vertex expansion of a simple Euclidean spin-foam and find that it annihilates the Euclidean Hamiltonian constraint of canonical Loop Quantum Gravity in 4d. However, the states constructed are special and closely related to BF-theory.
Sebastian Steinhaus: Perfect discretization of path integrals
Sebastian Steinhaus: Perfect discretization of path integrals
15:00 - 15:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
In order to define a well-defined path integral, a discretization has to be employed. However, this discretization breaks the symmetry of the continuous system in general, e.g. diffeomorphism symmetry in GR. In this context, we discuss the parametrized (an)harmonic oscillator and show how to reobtain the contiuous symmetry in the discretized path integral. Furthermore the relation between discretization independence and reparametrization invariance is discussed. In the second part of the talk, we will demonstrate that requirering invariance under Pachner moves in Regge calculus defines an invariant amplitude for the (linearized) Regge gravity path integral.
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:15
Room: Lecture Hall F
Sean Gryb: Shape dynamics: the conformal backbone of general relativity
Sean Gryb: Shape dynamics: the conformal backbone of general relativity
16:15 - 17:00
Room: Lecture Hall F
Shape dynamics is an equivalent description of general relativity that is, itself, free of the local problem of time. Its discovery was motivated by Julian Barbour's relational program based on a precise interpretation of Mach's writings. The key features of shape dynamics that distinguish it from general relativity are: 1) that all local symmetries, which include local Weyl invariance of the spatial metric, are linear in the momenta and can be formally solved in any dimension, and 2) that the dynamics is generated by a single global Hamiltonian constraint. We will give a summary of the key features of shape dynamics and discuss some interesting future research directions including the possibility of quantizing and a promising link to gauge/gravity dualities.
Eckhard Strobel: Gleason's theorem
Eckhard Strobel: Gleason's theorem
17:00 - 17:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
Social Dinner
Social Dinner
20:00 - 22:00
Friday 7 October 2011
Gandalf Lechner: Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: From structural analysis to the construction of models
Gandalf Lechner: Algebraic Quantum Field Theory: From structural analysis to the construction of models
09:45 - 10:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:15
Room: Lecture Hall F
Alexander Stottmeister: Local Temperature in Curved Spacetime
Alexander Stottmeister: Local Temperature in Curved Spacetime
11:15 - 12:00
Room: Lecture Hall F
Ralf Banisch: The Unruh Effect and the General Boundary Formulation of Quantum Field Theories.
Ralf Banisch: The Unruh Effect and the General Boundary Formulation of Quantum Field Theories.
12:00 - 12:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
A quantum field theory can be fully described by giving the amplitudes for all field configurations on the boundary of some spacetime region. Conventionally, one chooses a region bounded by an initial time slice and a final time slice, but with the General Boundary Formulation of Quantum Field Theories, arbitrary boundary geometries can be considered. I will review this approach and then ask wether or not the Unruh effect is reproduced within it. Since the Unruh effect is a fairly subtle Quantum Field Theory effect, this question will serve well to test the GBF approach. We will see that to answer this question, a vacuum state, or equivalently, a complex structure, must be specified. I will show a natural proposal by Ashtekar and Magnon for a complex structure and show indications that this is distiguished by the Unruh effect.
Lunch Break
Lunch Break
12:45 - 14:15
Tomasz Trzésniewski: The Discrete Semiclassical Action of CDT
Tomasz Trzésniewski: The Discrete Semiclassical Action of CDT
14:15 - 15:00
Room: Lecture Hall F
CDT model is a nonperturbative approach to quantum gravity, demonstrating a spontaneous generation of the semiclassical solu- tion. Gravitational path integral is approximated by the weighted sum over causality-preserving simplicial manifolds i.e. causal tri- angulations. Analysis of the data from numerical Monte-Carlo simulations of CDT in 3+1 dimensions shows that behaviour of (4, 1) simplicial building blocks of spacetime can be very well de- scribed by an expansion of the classical minisuperspace model. The precise form of the discrete analogue of the minisuperspace action will be discussed. Furthermore, it will be presented that the remaining (3,2) simplices may also be successfully included in the semiclassical description, leading to the extended discrete action and that the consistency between the two frameworks exists.
Michel Buck: A unique ground state from causal structure
Michel Buck: A unique ground state from causal structure
15:00 - 15:45
Room: Lecture Hall F
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
15:45 - 16:15
Room: Lecture Hall F
16:15 - 17:45
Room: Lecture Hall F