First Preparatory Group meeting

Friday 9 September 2011 - 09:00
CERN (61/1-017)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
9 Sept 2011
Introductory discussion (until 10:15) (61/1-017 - Room D)
09:00 Approval of Agenda - Tatsuya Nakada   (61/1-017 - Room D)
09:05 Introduction of members - Tatsuya Nakada   (61/1-017 - Room D)
09:10 Secretarial works, e.g. minutes taking, web etc.   (61/1-017 - Room D)
09:20 How the work was done last time - Tatsuya Nakada (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (61/1-017 - Room D)
more information
09:35 Mandate of the Preparatory Group - Tatsuya Nakada (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (61/1-017 - Room D)
more information
09:45 Procedure and Timeline for the update - Tatsuya Nakada (Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (CH))   (61/1-017 - Room D)
10:15 --- Coffee ---
Working Mode of the Preparatory Group (until 12:15) (61/1-017 - Room D)
10:45 What are the inputs required?   (61/1-017 - Room D)
11:00 How do we divid the subjects?   (61/1-017 - Room D)
11:15 How to deal with the different subjects   (61/1-017 - Room D)
11:30 How to involve young people?   (61/1-017 - Room D)
11:45 How to incorporate outside expertise?   (61/1-017 - Room D)
12:00 How to solicit inputs from outside?   (61/1-017 - Room D)
12:15 --- Lunch ---
Open Meeting for the community input (until 15:15) (61/1-017 - Room D)
14:00 Goal of the meeting   (61/1-017 - Room D)
14:15 Format of the deliverables   (61/1-017 - Room D)
14:30 Format of the meeting   (61/1-017 - Room D)
14:45 Requirements for the venue   (61/1-017 - Room D)
15:00 Necessary preparation work   (61/1-017 - Room D)
Information Package for the Strategy Group (until 16:00) (61/1-017 - Room D)
16:00 --- Coffee ---
Communication of the Preparatory Group activities (until 17:00) (61/1-017 - Room D)
16:30 Contents and format   (61/1-017 - Room D)
16:45 Timescale of the work   (61/1-017 - Room D)
Distribution of Work (until 17:30) (61/1-017 - Room D)
Meeting plan (until 17:45) (61/1-017 - Room D)
AOB (until 18:00) (61/1-017 - Room D)