HL-LHC informal review on 4-5 October 2011:
Field Quality of the 11-T Dipole
Interface 11-T Dipole with Cold Collimation
Minutes Version 2, 6 October 2011, B. Auchmann

Day 1 – Field Quality of the 11-T Dipole

Attendees: G. Apollinari, B. Auchmann, V. Baglin, A. Ballarino, B. Bordini, F. Bordry, L. Bottura, P. Fessia, M. Giovannozzi, P.P. Granieri, B. Holzer, M. Karppinen, L.R. Oberli, R. Ostojic, V. Parma, G. de Rijk, L. Rossi, D. Smekens, E. Todesco, J.P. Tock
Present via video link from FNAL: E. Barzi, R. Bossert, L. Cooley, F. Nobrega, A. Zlobin

Introduction and Scope of the Review

L. Rossi for CERN and G. Apollinari for FNAL welcome the participants. As the 11-T project is gaining momentum and substantial investments in superconductor are being undertaken, this informal review shall help to identify up front any potential showstoppers. Lucio points out that the informal review will not produce an official report, but rather meeting notes, to be agreed upon by the participants.

11 T Project Overview and Status – M. Karppinen


  1. Project setup: Joint CERN-FNAL project, building upon >10 years of experience with Nb3Sn coils, mainly from US HF magnet programs, as well as LHC experience at CERN.
  2. R&D phase planning:
    1. Q1 2012: 2-m-long single-bore demonstrator at FNAL to prove quench performance and learn about coil magnetization and magnet protection.
    2. Q4 2012: 2-m-long 2-in-1 demonstrator at FNAL, emphasis on field quality.
    3. Q2/3 2013: 2-m-long 2-in-1 demonstrator at CERN, field quality and reproducibility.
    4. Q4 2014: 5.5-m-long 2-in-1 prototype, aperture 1 from FNAL, aperture 2 from CERN, cryostat assembly and cold testing at CERN. Demonstrate the scale-up and the feasibility of the Nb3Sn technology for the LHC upgrades.
  3. Status of design, tooling manufacture, production
    1. 2-m-long single-bore demonstrator at FNAL: design and coil-manufacture tooling completed. Coil #1 winding under way.
    2. 2-m-long 2-in-1 demonstrator: engineering design finished. Technical design under way. CERN coil-manufacture tooling design is under way.
  4. Superconductor needs
    1. For single-bore demonstrator: 26 km.
    2. For 2-in-1 FNAL demonstrator: 34 km.
    3. For 2-in-1 CERN demonstrator: 51 km, of which 17 km of low-Jc strand for practice coils.
    4. For 5.5 m prototype: 240 km.
    5. For series production, assuming 24 off 5-m-long cold-masses and 4 spares for 3 points: some 71 km of cable (>3400 km of strand).


11 T 2-in-1 Magnet Design with Emphasis on Field Quality and Integration (TF Compensation and QPS) – B. Auchmann


  1. Transfer function: The design matches the MB integrated dipole field at nominal current 11.85 kA. At about 6 kA the deviation of the 11 T field reaches its maximum, being 2.4 Tm stronger. The preferred solution to this problem is a 300-A trim power converter.
  2. Field quality
    1. The geometric coil field is optimized for all multipoles to be < 1 unit at a 17-mm reference radius.
    2. The yoke is optimized for low variation of multipoles. The b3 variation is < 1 unit, and the absolute value is ~7.5 units. This could be compensated by the coil in a future coil cross-section update. The b2 variation from ~zero at injection to -12.5 units at nominal cannot be further reduced for the given beam distance.
    3. The |b3| due to persistent currents with RRP 108/127 conductor can be kept below 20 units by a dedicated precycle (compatible with the present LHC precycle) and/or passive compensation by passive strands in optimized positions in the aperture.
    4. Interstrand coupling currents are expected to have a sizeable impact on the transfer function and the sextupole at 10 A/s ramp rates. Moreover, modeling shows that, without counter-measures, the magnet would quench during a fast power abort. For both reasons, the use of a stainless-steel core seems advisable. This should also help to reduce any decay and snap-back effects.
  3. Magnet protection will require highly efficient protection heaters. Simulations indicate that the goal of two redundant heater circuits could be best reached with intra-layer heaters. This option should be studied in an SMC coil.


Requests from LHC Optics – B. Holzer


  1. A shorter magnet would change the design orbit by ~6.5 mm, a large number of magnets would need to be realigned.
  2. Edge Focusing is negligible.
  3. Sagitta:
    1. In the 11-m-long magnet the sagittal is 7.2 mm; in the 5.5-m-long magnet it’s 1.7 mm.
    2. Given the large expected b3 (~100 units at 17 mm reference radius in the initial worst-case error table from February 2011), feed-down effects are a problem in the case of the 11-m-long version, if the b3 is not compensated by standard arc spool piece correctors.
    3. Example: worst-case b3 of 110 units (corresponding to an unrealistic precycle with reset current equal to injection current) in an 11-m-long magnet causes tune-shift of 0.031 per magnet. 0.0059 could be deemed acceptable.
  4. MAD/SixTrack dynamic aperture studies for points 2 and 7
    1. |b3| > 20 units at injection would lead to unacceptable reduction in dynamic aperture from 11 σ to 8 σ.
    2. Other multipoles, so far, are negligible.
    3. Local correction of b3 via spool-piece correctors would be desirable and it can be demonstrated that the dynamic aperture can be fully recovered, if local b3 spool-pieces are applied.
    4. Non-local correction via sextupole correctors, e.g., at Q10, could equally work but would require stronger correctors.
    5. At present the multipoles that are foreseeen at high field (i.e. luminosity case) are small enough and have no significant influence on the dynamic aperture.


Superconductor: Parameters Space – Luca Bottura


  1. Lessons learned from the NED cable-development
    1. Best performance was reached through optimization of the heat treatment.
    2. A technology transfer had to take place to obtain equivalent quality as a commercial product.
    3. In retrospect, the initial specifications were probably too demanding for stable performance. There is an intrinsic interplay of critical current density, filament diameter, and RRR.
    4. New targets for the 11 T would be:
      1. Sub-element diameter 30 μm.
      2. Jc (12 T, 4.2 K) of 2650 A/mm2.
      3. Local RRR > 100.
  2. Magnetization matters for field quality à we need ongoing R&D on strands to reduce sub-element diameter.
  3. Questions for this review:
    1. Do we agree on specifications (strand, cable) for magnet R&D and production?
    2. Material lead-time is long (> 12 months). How do we manage/share the present stock?
    3. What is the procurement strategy beyond the magnet R&D?


SC Cable Development at FNAL – E. Barzi, F. Nobrega, and A. Zlobin


  1. The result of the first phase of cable development was a 40-strand, 14.7-mm-wide cable with 1.269 mm mid-thickness and 0.79˚ keystone angle. The cable is first fabricated as rectangular; it is then keystoned in a second operation with or without intermediate annealing.
  2. The second phase of cable development was based on feedback from winding trials.
    1. An additional intermediate annealing step required revisiting the size of the rectangular cable.
    2. The cable’s mechanical stability needed to be optimized.
  3. Reducing the cable mid-thickness from 1.27 mm to 1.25 mm reduces Ic only marginally. At 1.23 mm the degradation was measured to be 7.6%.
  4. Intermediate annealing improves the rectangular cable’s mechanical stability and slightly reduces Ic degradation in the keystoned cable.
  5. The development of tooling to make keystoned cable in a single pass is under way.
  6. The new RRP 150/169 is an option for the 11T dipole program. It performs as well as the 108/127 baseline design, is more stable, and has larger RRR.
  7. Coil winding has shown that the following measures reduce the risk of popped strands and enable the use of higher winding tension:
    1. More compaction of the cable.
    2. Application of ceramic binder to the cable before winding the ends to hold strands together.
    3. Re-optimized coilends to reduce torsion of the cable.


Cable Production, Strategy, and Material Flow – A. Ballarino


  1. Today’s “standard” wires in RRP and PIT technologies are 0.7 mm RRP 108/127 and 1 mm PIT. R&D wire is being developed for the final application.  A first delivery of 0.7 mm PIT wire (44 mm filament size) is expected to be at CERN in the next few weeks. For meeting the quantity requirements for coils assembly, the next orders will specify the available 0.7 mm diameter wires.
  2. What we have today:
    1. 27 km of “standard” RRP delivered in July 2011.
    2. 20 km of “standard” RRP expected for December 2011/January 2012.
  3. Ongoing price enquiry:
    1. 45 km from OST, of which 30 km of 36 μm filament diameter, and 15 km of 32 μm.
    2. 45 km of 0.7 mm PIT with 44 μm filament diameter.
    3. In total: 90 km expected for November 2012.
  4. Strategy for procurement of wire for the R&D program:
    1. 200 km of “standard” wire to be delivered by end 2012.
  5. Future orders, including series production:
    1. Large quantities of “standard” wire.
    2. Smaller quantity of R&D conductor to push for “final” specifications.


SC Cable Development at CERN – Luc-René Oberli


  1. 7 cabling runs were performed at CERN to optimize cable parameters for a 40-strand cable with RRP 108/127 strands.
  2. 3 runs were dedicated to develop a 15.1-mm-wide cable. The transposition pitch was reduced in steps to 80 mm. The resulting cable’s mechanical stability was improved, but it was less flexible and “highly nervous” or “springy”. Ic degradation was below 1.7% in four extracted strands.
  3. Good mechanical stability was obtained with 14.7-mm-wide cable with 100 and 95 mm twist pitch and nominal mid-thickness. Average Ic degradation on six extracted strands was 2.6%, with a maximum of 6%.
  4. To further increase cable stability and reduce degradation, cabling with nominal mid-thickness but slightly lower keystone angle (0.65˚ instead of 0.79˚) is suggested.


General Discussion


Day 2 – Interface 11-T Dipole with Cold Collimation

Attendees: G. Apollinari, R. Aßmann, B. Auchmann, V. Baglin, A. Ballarino, A. Bertarelli, L. Bottura, A. Ferrari, P. Fessia, P.P. Granieri, B. Holzer, M. Karppinen, R. Ostojic, V. Parma, P. Puppel, G. de Rijk, A. Rossi, L. Rossi, F. Savary, D. Smekens, J.P. Tock, E. Todesco, R. van Weelderen

Introduction and Scope of the Review

Lucio welcomes the participants. The goal of the day is to get an overview of all aspects of collimator/magnet integration, and spot potential showstoppers for collimation, vacuum, and cryogenics. Lucio points out that the informal review will not produce an official report, but rather meeting notes, to be agreed upon by the participants.

Scope of the Meeting: The Framework of the Collimation Project – R. Aßmann


  1. Phase 1 collimation was developed over the past 9 years. It solves the collimation problem for nominal beam:
    1. Better than design cleaning efficiency.
    2. Additional gain from lower than specified beam losses.
  2. Additional collimators for the DS region of points 1/2/3/5/7/8 was requested already in 2003, but deferred by management.
  3. Going beyond nominal luminosity with HL-LHC will require protection, in particular of Q8 and Q10 in the DS.
  4. Work ahead:
    1. Specify scenario for collimation (proton and ion intensities, lifetimes, luminosity, including HL-LHC optics parameters).
    2. Define collimator locations and gaps.
    3. Simulate/optimize collimation efficiency (Six-Track), energy deposition (FLUKA), jaw-temperature and cooling including accident cases (ANSYS), and RF impact on impedance and trapped modes (RF tools).
    4. Study a collimator design, iterate, and finally freeze the design.


Collimation Needs and Boundaries – A. Rossi


  1. The present collimation system reached 99.995% collimation efficiency with 50% smaller gaps than nominal.
  2. Off-momentum particles are at the origin of losses in the dispersion suppressor. These particles are generated by particle-matter interaction in collimators, and by collisions at IPs. The first bending dipole after the LSS acts as a spectrometer. Superconducting magnets act as halo dump – dipoles for ions and quads for protons.
  3. HL-LHC requires catching losses in the DS regions: Even if such losses do not quench the magnets, they may cause damage if the magnet is permanently operated close to the  quench limit.
  4. Simulations show that a factor 10 to 15 improvement in cleaning efficiency can be achieved adding DS collimators.
  5. DS collimators are needed in up to 6 IRs:
    1. IRs1 and 5 for proton luminosity.
    2. IRs 2, 1, and 5 for ion luminosity
    3. IRs 3 and 7 for proton and ion intensity.
    4. Priority: DS 1, 2, and 5, then 3 and 7, then 8.


Orbit Correction Issue – B. Holzer


  1. As a repetition of Tuesday’s talk: the expected change of the design orbit between Q8 and Q10 due 11-m-long 11-T magnets is expected to be around 6.5 mm. This value can be much improved by splitting the magnet in two 5.5-m-long magnets with an angle between them.
  2. Transfer-function deviation of the 11-T dipole w.r.t. the MB:
    1. If the deviation of the transfer function remains uncorrected, it would constitute an orbit bump of ±15 mm.
    2. After correction, ±1.5 mm would remain. However, we would use 42% of the available corrector strength just to fix this problem.


Cryocatcher Prototype at GSI – P. Puppel


  1. A single charge exchanged ion in SIS100 could cause desorption of >20000 particles – via further charge exchange reactions a self-amplifying effect evolves, which is called dynamic vacuum. Therefore ion catchers are installed with low-desorption surface material. In SIS100 the ion catcher is made of high-purity copper with a gold surface and a nickel layer in between, like in SIS18.
  2. The cryocatcher is needed for stripped ions only; hence there are only catchers at the inner side of the ring.
  3. The surrounding cold chamber at 5 K acts as cryopump. The catcher itself has to be at higher temperature (77 K in case of the prototype) to prevent gases from freezing out on its surface.
  4. A stainless-steel bellow is the thermal insulation between the 77-K thermal shield and the 5-K vacuum chamber. The catcher itself is directly connected to the thermal shield.
  5. In tests, the catcher showed an unexpected correlation between the desorption yield and the energy of incident ions. Whereas at room-temperature the desorption decreases with increasing ion energy (sclaes with the electronic energy loss in the material), at cryogenic temperatures the desorption rate increases with energy.
  6. For constant ion energy, no dependency of the desorption yield on the catcher temperature was observed between 32 K and 94 K.
  7. The work on the final SIS100 cryocatcher specification is under way.


CERN Mechanical Pre-Study on Cold Collimation - A. Bertarelli


  1. The initial idea to install a cold collimator in IR3 during LS1 was abandoned in July 2010 for a solution based on a warm collimator. The preliminary design of the cold collimator was developed by D.D. Ramos and C. Mucher.
  2. The preliminary requirements for the DS collimators were:
    1. Two jaws per collimator (because of back-scattering and positive Δp/p of ions). This proved to be a major complication for the design.
    2. 1-m-long tungsten jaws.
    3. A heat load of 40 W steady-state and 200 W maximum during a 10-s transient.
    4. A jaw stroke of 25 mm.
  3. The collimator jaws would have to work above 80 K. To evacuate 200 W the only possibility is to rely on the line E (50-65 K), and to heat the helium to >80 K.
  4. Design-optimization (saving space) is possible, especially if the expansion loops and busbar routing could be integrated with the 11-T dipoles.
  5. Main issues and potential showstoppers:
    1. The jaw operation temperature would be 100-130 K. Beam-vacuum operation at 100 K could prove to be a showstopper – GSI experience?
    2. Sufficient cryo-pumping surfaces at ~3 K need to be provided, with a thermal shield towards the >80 K jaws.
    3. Tungsten brittleness at 100 K.
    4. The reliability of the active parts for the cooling circuit (valves, etc.).
    5. Possible additional heating from RF impedance.
    6. Issues with moving/sliding parts in UHV cryogenic environment.
  6. Alternative solutions like a warm collimator should be studied.


Heat Deposition Pre-Evaluation – V. Boccone


  1. Calculations exist only for IR 7, 7 TeV horizontal loss scenario (collimation Phase II upgrade). The results  were rescaled to the LHC ultimate luminosity and 1h beam lifetime. Under those assumption:
    1. The maximum steady-state power is below 50 W for a DS collimator with two 1m tungsten jaws.
    2. The DS-collimator reduces the total power deposited in the arc by a factor of 10-12 for protons, and by a factor of 3 for ions.
    3. The DS-collimator reduces by a factor of 15 the peak power on the downstream magnets.
The steady-state maximal power (a) clearly depends on the absolute value of the losses while the reduction factor of total and peak power on the arc (b and c) can be prudently used for the IR3/7 cases.
  1. Which is the total power deposited in the DS collimator in the other cases? Answers to this question must include:
    1. IRs 1 and 5: Definition of the collimation scheme and study of collision debris down to the DS;
    2. IR 2: Definition and study of a realistic collimation scenario for ions;
    3. IRs 3 and 7: Definition of the collimation scheme and study of the impact of a realistic vertical and horizontal scenario.
  2. Uncertainties from physics models and simulation must be taken into account. Moreover, the effect of imperfection can lead to an additional factor 10 of uncertainties. Is this number appropriate?


Interface of the 2x5.5m 11-T Cold Masses – M. Karppinen


  1. Open questions for the coldmass integration include:
    1. The two 5.5-m-long magnets could be aligned straight or at an angle.
    2. The busbars need to be routed around the collimator, be it a cold or a warm solution. Splices need to be foreseen and expansion loops need to be designed in a compact fashion.
    3. The heat exchanger needs to be integrated.
    4. 600-A powering for potential spool-piece correctors and 300-A powering for transfer-function trim needs to be provided.
    5. A dedicated QPS system is needed.
  2. Open questions for the integration of cold collimators:
    1. Minimum space requirement.
    2. Operation requirements.
    3. Access and maintenance requirements.
    4. Need for a temperature screen and/or vacuum separation.


Integration in the Cryostat – V. Parma


  1. The CCFS (Cold Collimator Feasibility Study) Working group has only just started to meet. It will
    1. Analyze configurations for collimator/11-T-magnet integration.
    2. Identify potential showstoppers (vacuum, cryogenics, machine protection, alignment).
    3. Identify needs for R&D.
    4. Provide final recommendations and a draft timeline for the project.
  2. Preliminary study of 3 assembly options:
    1. The following options have been proposed and will be investigated:
      1. An 11-m-long magnet next to the collimator.
      2. Two magnets with 5.3 m magnetic length side-by-side, next to the collimator.
      3. Two magnets 5.3 m magnetic length with the collimator in between.
    2. Option iii, which is favored by beam-physics, requires the most space for interconnects, thus limiting the available space for the collimator.
  3. Cryostating of any of the above options should not be an issue with the available technologies at CERN.
  4. In IR 2, the injection line creates very different conditions from the other IRs. Displacing a number of magnets would be especially inconvenient there. Special tooling and procedures will be needed.
  5. Powering of trims and possibly spoolpiece correctors by 300 and 600 A lines must be studied. Spare spool circuits might be useable, although their availability needs to be checked with the list of non-conformities. Changes to the DFBAs, and local feedthroughs need to be studied.


Cryogenic Margin and Operation Issues – R. van Weelderen


  1. Cryogenic requirements for 11-T coldmass and cryostat:
    1. Continuity of heat exchanger.
    2. Minimum 15 l and maximum 26 l pressurized helium per meter coldmass.
    3. Longitudinal hydraulic impedance equivalent to a 50-mm diameter smooth pipe for cooldown, warmup, and quench.
    4. Free helium section >60 cm2 for heat conduction.
    5. Radial helium channels equivalent to MB. 98% packing factor of collar and yoke laminations should suffice.
  2. The 11-T magnets are about 25% shorter than MB. They should accumulate 25% less heat and the cryogenic margin is 25% higher, i.e., about 8-11 W. The additional 5 W from beam losses, which are currently considered for HL-LHC with DS collimators, can therefore easily be accommodated.
  3. A 50 - 150 W heat load is expected on the collimator jaws. On the 1.9 K line, this corresponds to 14 times the MB heat load, which constitutes an excessive load. On the 5 – 20 K lines it corresponds to 1.6 times the MB equivalent heat load and could just be accommodated – to be studied. For vacuum considerations, the preferred temperature range for cold collimator jaws is 80 - 140 K. At these temperatures the heat load corresponds to 2 times the MB equivalent heat load. This could be realized by a heated bypass of the 55 – 65 K thermal-screen cooling line.


Possible Vacuum Issues – V. Baglin


  1. A warm-collimator solution was developed for IR 3, featuring:
    1. A bakeable collimator.
    2. Vacuum sectorization to allow for “fast” exchange.
    3. A port to insert an RF ball (PIM test).
    4. Access to the vacuum system to boost the pumping speed.
  2. The preliminary cold-collimator design features none of the above, but it is shorter.
  3. An unbaked collimator shows >100 times more outgassing than a baked collimator. Experience from RHIC, where one beamline had a baked, an the other had an unbaked collimator, shows that beam-intensity in the unbaked aperture was limited by pressure rises. The other beamline didn’t show vacuum instabilities.
  4. Moving collimator jaws against RF contacts produce outgassing. The effect needs to be studied more and minimized.
  5. The only available cooling power to accommodate 50-150 W heat load from the collimator is the 50-70 K cooling line. The zone around 80 K must be avoided to avoid CO2 condensing on the jaws. As a consequence, we need an operating temperature above 90 K.
  6. Detailed studies, theoretically and experimentally must be carried out to define and validate a cold collimator solution.
