WLCG workload management TEG kick-off meeting
31-3-004 (CERN)
This is a first organizational meeting of the WLCG workload management technical evolution group.
Information on the workload management TEG
The meeting is EVO only. Meeting URL: http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext/koala.jnlp?meeting=MeMMMu2v2uDIDs9I9nDv9e
Phone Bridge ID: 420 7214
Information on the workload management TEG
The meeting is EVO only. Meeting URL: http://evo.caltech.edu/evoNext/koala.jnlp?meeting=MeMMMu2v2uDIDs9I9nDv9e
Phone Bridge ID: 420 7214
- Around the table for introductions
- Quick recap of mandate and deliverables
- Discuss the list of topics, initial perspectives, do we have the expertise to cover them, people's focus areas, is anything missing
- How do we organize our activities (address full scope as one WG, create subgroups by topic, ...)
- Discuss activity timeline, objectives and agenda for F2F/EVO meeting next week, plans for future meetings
The agenda of this meeting is empty