5F: (Parallel) BSM
- Heather Logan (Carleton U.)
Adam Martin
6/8/12, 5:00 PM
Standard Model & Beyond
Parallel Talk
In this talk I will discuss several new physics scenarios that will not be uncovered with SUSY-motivated searches (jets + MET, etc.). These signals include: top partners, multi-jet resonances, and W/Z/gamma + jet(s) resonances.
Roger Moore
(University of Alberta (CA))
6/8/12, 5:20 PM
Standard Model & Beyond
Parallel Talk
We present searches for new particles decaying to leptonic final states using data collected in 7 TeV LHC proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. Our studies include dileptons, diphotons, excited leptons, leptons + missing transverse energy, dibosons or multileptons in same and opposite electric charge. These studies test wide set of predictions for extensions to Standard Model,...
Paolo Rumerio
(University of Alabama (US))
6/8/12, 5:40 PM
Standard Model & Beyond
Parallel Talk
We present searches for new physics at CMS using final states that contain mainly jets. Topics include di-jet resonance searches, searches for extra dimensions, as well as resonances decaying to pairs of top quarks that appear as merged jets in the detector.
Satyanarayan Nandi
(Oklahoma State University)
6/8/12, 6:00 PM
Standard Model & Beyond
Parallel Talk
New physics at the LHC may appear as the discovery of lepto-quark gauge bosons, or di-quark resonances, as those can be produced strongly via gluon gluon fusion and giving distinctive signals in the final states. In this talk, I will discuss theoretical motivation and models giving rise these particles at the TeV scale. Lepto-quark in the TeV scale evade the existing strong bound from the...
Ludovica Aperio Bella
(Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
6/8/12, 6:20 PM
Standard Model & Beyond
Parallel Talk
We present searches for new particles decaying to jets and boosted objects final states using data collected in 7 TeV LHC proton-proton collisions with the ATLAS detector. We present studies of states like diljets, photons + jets, dibosons, ttbar resonances and 4th generation particles decaying hadronically. These studies demonstrate the usage of novel techniques for reconstruction of boosted...
Arnd Meyer
(Rheinisch-Westfaelische Tech. Hoch. (DE))
6/8/12, 6:40 PM
Standard Model & Beyond
Parallel Talk
We present searches for new physics with leptons in the final state. This includes dilepton resonances, new physics with three or more lepton final states, as well as heavy top-like quarks decaying to bottom quarks. We also present searches for heavy bosons decaying to leptonic final states.