DATE: 13.02.2012 Participants: Mattias Ellert, Christian Bernardt, Jon K. Nilsen, Anders WŠŠnŠnen, David Cameron, Bjšrn Hagemeier, Samir Boutaleb, Will Rogers, Valery Tschopp, Zdenek Sustr, John White, Massimo Sgaravatto, Paolo Andreeto, Andrea Ceccanti, Riccardo Zappi, Pablo Guerrero, Andres Abad Rodriquez, Oliver Keeble, Claudio Cacciari, Danilo Dongiovanni, Cristina Aiftimiei Missing: AMGA, SAGA SD-RAL, gLite Infosys, EMIR, EMI Messaging, MPI QA announcements: PabloG: * ÒTraining on policies changesÓ - Friday, 17.03.2012, 10:00 Ð 11:00, announced via e-mail, another one with more details will be send this week * questions to be answered during the tutorial can still be send * new System Administration Guide ToC Ð send last week, for Emi 1 a check will be done to see if the present Sys Admin Guides are following it, and for EMI 2 this TOC should be used. * Massimo: Q Ð when the policies will be ÒfrozenÓ for EMI 2 * Answer: - this is the last change AndresAR: * last Friday, 10.02, etics-client 1.6.1 released * roadmap for the next days: * End this week another release solving the issues from the current version * Next week we start with Debian changes so that in 2 weeks another release with Debian changes * in parallel working on improving the performance of the ETICS pool-nodes Ð improve the script so that the waiting time before submission and start of the build to decrease * Cristina Ð the main difference in the client from EMI 1 and EMI 2 is that in EMI 2 no artefacts will be published if the mock/repackage step is not successful ClaudioC: * EMI EPEL compliance report: o o the metrics is based on RC1 o Cristina Ð the report/metrics should be based on the development project-configuration (emi-B_2_dev) o Andres will be notified to generate the Rpmlint report for develop config o ACTION LIST ( EMT incidents: * no changes EMT Documentation: * no changes EMT metrics issues: * issues were opened by Jon ÇÊPlanned integrations tests for ÊÈ * deadline was today, unresponsive PTs willl receive a remainder Ð deadline extended until tomorrow afternoon (14.02) * Thursday, 16.02 Ð ITTF meeting to define the integration tests before the RC3, based on inputs taken from this tasks. This tests will be mandatory for the PTs to run * The list with the integration tests will be send to PTs so that they can comment * This tests are not dependencies of a product, but usecases in which more products are involved Ð ARC tasks should be looked as an example EMI Release Status: CristinaA: * Update 13 cycle Ð ongoing ? Planned for this update: ? BDII core, BDII site, StoRM Ð deployed on the testbed ? FTS Ð some issues to solve for the packaging * EMT report: ? CristinaA: ? all reported RfCs are already planned EMI 2 status: * EMI 2 twiki - * RC2 status o Information on repositories, NBs, and .repo files present on the ÒEMI-2 ActivityÓ twiki o Repositories updated after the NB for emi_R_2_rc2 o Missing AMGA, SAGA, WN & UI o PT can atart doing the in-house deployment (install & config) for which they should provide a testing report by 17 Feb. (see Schedule): o o Changes in the packaging & external dependencies Ð referenced in the twiki: * * L&B and CESNET Security Ð Paolo Ð probably some issues will be solved for RC3 * New Globus 5.2 in the EPEL-testing - reports from PTs: * OliverK Ð DataMan components (DPM,LFC,FTS, lcg_utils) Ð tested the runtime, for the production version of services Ð everything ok. Will continue with the builtime * ChristianB Ð tested dcap Ð both runtime & buildtime Ð no problems. Discovered a difference between EPEL versions (like globus-gssapi-gsi-10.2-2.el6.x86_64) and Globus reporitory versions (globus-gssapi-gsi-10.2-3.el6.x86_64.rpm) o Mattias explains that the ÒreleaseÓ is different because reflects the number of builds (packaging) in EPEL & Globus, but the binaries are the same, from the same source. * AndersW Ð new globus libraries changed the libtool dependencies and this uncovered a bug in xmlsecl. If there are products depending on xmlsecl they should include a direct dependency on libtool-ltdl-devel. From EVO-dashboard: Òxmlsec1-devel and xmlsec1-openssl-devel are missing dependencies on libtool-ltdl-develÓ * Paolo Ð CREAM doesnÕt have problems with globus, instead there are issues with bouncycastle 1.46 present also in the epel-testing repository o CristinaA Ð SteveT already ÒrejectedÓ this version as he also discovered problems (details - ) o For WMS Ð there are some issues with ICE contacting MyProxy Ð but have to test more Ð next week will have more detail GGUS situation: CristinaA: * Mathilde Romberg is monitoring the SLA with EGI, preparing the GGUS status report for each EMT-meeting, present in the agenda * 0 SLA violation, 2 assigned - 1 already solved, 2 Ð should be in progress (passed from WMS to L&B t Gridsite) * 2 tkts to be discusse Ð one for Information SystemDevelopment (Laurence), second for StoRM Ð can be closed as the issue is in Lustre (Riccardo wil update it) * PTs are requested to act ASAP on their GGUS tickets AOB: NEXT EMT meeting Ð 20.02.2012