///////////////// Thank you very much for the excellent comments! ///////////////// The comments of the content reviewer were: "Congratulations on a clearly written contribution, complete with intelligible black and white figures. I only have a few comments that are listed below. P.1 line 7 - inset a comma after interactions line 12 - change to read either ˇ°the hadronic degree of freedomˇ± or ˇ°hadronic degrees of freedomˇ± line 16 - tome-of-flight information P.2 Figure 1 caption - remove the reference to the RED curves since only color online. You can simply say dashed curves. Label on figure or in caption what particles are being measured. I assume it is charged hadrons. ///////////////// A: Done! ///////////////// lines 14-15 - this is unclear to me since an eta gap of <0.05 seems very small. ///////////////// A: Changed to '...reduce the non-flow effects of short $\eta$ range correlations'. (Such as HBT correlations) ///////////////// line 18 - over the measured... ///////////////// A: Done! ///////////////// Figure 2 discussion end of the last paragraph you describe the difference in the baryons and mesons. Any comment of the sign difference between the kaons and pions? ///////////////// A: The possible explainations for the sign difference between the kaons and pions could also be found in the cited references: [14] J. Dunlop, M.A. Lisa and P. Sorensen, Phys. Rev. C 84, 044914 (2011). [15] J. Xu et al., Phys. Rev. C 85, 041901 (2012).. Due to the page limit, I found it is hard to add a comment in the proceedings. ///////////////// P.3 Summary line 4 - add that to read ˇ°shows that the v2...ˇ± ///////////////// A: Done! /////////////////