11–15 Feb 2013
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

The MURAY project: volcano radiography with cosmic-ray muons

Not scheduled
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien (Vienna), Austria
Board: 1
Poster Scintillating Detectors


Dr Giulio Saracino (Università Federico II di Napoli e INFN (IT))


Cosmic-ray muon radiography is a technique for imaging the variation of density inside the top few hundred meters of a volcanic cone. It is based on the penetration capability of the high energy muon component of the cosmic radiation. The measurement of muon absorption allows the evaluation of the average density along the observation line with a spatial resolution up to tens of meters, in optimal detection conditions. Muon radiography can thus provide images of the top region of a volcano edifice with a resolution that is considerably better than that typically achieved with conventional methods. Such precise measurements are expected to provide us with information on anomalies in the rock density distribution. The MURAY project has developed a muon telescopes prototype. The telescopes is required to be able to work in harsh environment and to have low power consumption, good angular and time resolutions, large active area and modularity. The telescope consists of three X-Y planes of one square meter area made by plastic scintillator strips of triangular shape. Each strip is read by a fast wavelength shifting fibre coupled to a Silicon photomultiplier. The readout electronics is based on the SPIROC/EASIROC ASIC. The prototype is under test and will be soon installed at Mt Vesuvius. The detector technology and first results will be presented.
quote your primary experiment MURAY

Primary author

Dr Giulio Saracino (Università Federico II di Napoli e INFN (IT))

Presentation materials