1–5 Oct 2007
Europe Congress Center
Europe/Zurich timezone

NESSI-Grid Vision and Strategic Research Agenda

2 Oct 2007, 15:00
Roma (Europe Congress Center)


Europe Congress Center

Budapest Hungary


Daniel Fey (Nokia Siemens)


The Networked European Software and Services Initiative (NESSI) aims to create a strategic research agenda for European research in services and their foundations. NESSI-Grid forms part of that activity by defining a vision and strategic research agenda (SRA) for grid infrastructures used in business environments and in particular in NESSI scenarios. A first version of both, vision and SRA, focusing on more short-term challenges is presented. It addresses all stakeholders in this field, in particular researchers, industry and policy makers, to get a precise understanding about envisioned scenarios, state-of-the-art, challenges, business impact and actual roadmaps and recommendations for realizing the vision. The SRA is open for contribution.

Presentation materials