1–5 Oct 2007
Europe Congress Center
Europe/Zurich timezone

Implementation of an industrial-strength pharmaceutical workflow into a Grid environment

2 Oct 2007, 11:00
Amsterdam (Europe Congress Center)


Europe Congress Center

Budapest Hungary


Falk Zimmermann (NEC Labs Europe)


The goal of the SIMDAT Pharma application activity is to demonstrate the usefulness of Grid technology in the area of life sciences. We implement an industrial strength pharmaceutical workflow across a Grid test-bed comprised of both academic and industrial partners. Naturally, these different types of partners are operating their Grid node with different security and quality of services policies and obviously have different commercial interests. The existing Grid prototype employs all infrastructure elements required to establish trusted relationships between academic and industrial partners. The infrastructure allows an academic service provider to accept outsourcing of high value applications or databases from a research group in order to give controlled and managed access to this application for other partners, both academic and industrial. The underlying model guarantees the preservation of intellectual property rights among the partners. In the presentation we will concentrate on the Grid-specific developments of the current Pharma prototype and discuss the impact of Grid technology in the life science sector.

Presentation materials