Legend: Red = simulation, points from G4MICE Blue = reconstructed simulation, smeared input points from G4MICE Black/Shaded = reconstructed data. Page 1: Trace space plots in the horizontal (top row) and vertical (bottom row) plane at TOF0. Page 2: Trace space plots in the horizontal and vertical plane at at TOF1. Page 3: (x, y) plots at TOF0 (top row) and TOF1 (bottom row) Page 4: Normalised x and y distributions at TOF0 (top) and TOF1 (bottom). Page 5: Normalised x’ and y’ distributions at TOF0 (top) and TOF1 (bottom). Page 6: Normalised Pz distribution at TOF1. Page 7: Dispersion in the horizontal and vertical plane at TOF0 (top) and TOF1 (bottom) Page 8: Mean horizontal (vertical) position at TOF1, with respect to horizontal (vertical) position at TOF0. Page 9: Mean positions and angles w.r.t. x at TOF0 and TOF1 (top), and w.r.t. y at TOF0 and TOF1 (bottom) Page 10: Chi^2 distributions in x and y Page 11: (r, Pf) at TOF1 (top) and mean Pf w.r.t. r at TOF1 (bottom).