Jun 19 – 21, 2013
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

The Social Science Open Access Repository (SSOAR) as an element of a greater research information structure

Not scheduled
University of Geneva

University of Geneva



Dr Agathe Gebert (GESIS)


SSOAR is one of the 4 big disciplinary Open Access Repositories in Germany covering the Social Sciences. It is maintained by the Specialized Information Unit of the Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences. Unlike in the STM-Sector preprints do not play a role in the social science discourse. Self-archiving of either pre- or postprints is thus not common practice in the social sciences. Therefore in order to obtain a sufficient amount of high quality publications that is appealing to scholars SSOAR acquires content through a broad network of partners. Among them academic medium enterprise publishing houses relevant for the Social Sciences who SSOAR offers services in exchange for Open-Access licenses. SSOAR follows the Green Road of Open Access and is an instrument of secondary publishing. On the long run SSOAR strives to be the central entrance into all socio-scientific literature (within the scope of SSOAR) that is freely avaliable to enhance its worldwide visibility as well as its cross linking with other data and information avaliable online.


Dr Agathe Gebert (GESIS)

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