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LCG Management Board



Ian Bird
16:00 CERN/10:00 EDT/09:00 CDT

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Email Distribution List:
Email List Archive: worldwide-lcg-management-board (requires NICE authentication)

See also the: Management Board Wiki
    • 16:00 17:05
      • 16:00
        Minutes and Matters Arising 5m
        MB Minutes
        • Issues during the Holidays Period
        • Metrics for measurement of tape performance: Feedback from Tier-1 Sites
        • High Level Milestones. Update needed
          HLM Dashboard
      • 16:05
        Action List Review 5m
        MB Action List
      • 16:10
        SRM v2.2 Production Deployment Update 5m
        The target of deploying SRM v2.2 at the Tier0 and all "major" (self-defining) Tier1s by end-2007 has been met.

        Configuration, testing and production use by the experiments is now being followed as part of CCRC'08 preparation (and execution).

        We will need to revisit SRM v2.2 in this context after the February run of CCRC'08 to discuss and agree priorities and schedules for fixes and - if necessary - enhancements that are consistent with the time and manpower available.

        Speaker: J.Shiers
      • 16:15
        CCRC08 Update 5m
        Speaker: J.Shiers
      • 16:20
        WLCG Service Interventions / Interruptions 10m
        Speaker: Jamie Shiers
      • 16:30
        Update on CPU Benchmarking 5m
        Speaker: H.Meinhard
      • 16:35
        NDGF SAM Tests 15m
        Speaker: O.Smirnova
      • 16:50
        Site Reliability Report- Dec 2007 10m
        Speaker: A.Aimar
        Site Reports 200712
      • 17:00
        AOB 5m