Pushing the ELBE CW RF-system to high average beam current
Bldg 620, Lecture hall (March-14: InterCity Hotel Dresden,March-15:HZDR (Rossendorf))
Bldg 620, Lecture hall
March-14: InterCity Hotel Dresden,March-15:HZDR (Rossendorf)
Helmholtz Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf
Bautzner Landstrasse.400
D-01328 Dresden
With the expansion of the radiation source ELBE a center for high power radiation sources is being built at the HZDR. Within this framework the available CW RF-power (1.3 GHz) per 9-cell TESLA cavity at ELBE had been increased from 8.5 kW to 20 kW (CW) using solid state amplifiers.
During the 1 ½ day workshop we would like to share information and experiences in high beam current CW operation among designers, industrial partners and users of superconducting CW-LINACs.
The workshop will take place on Thursday March-14 in the InterCity Hotel Dresden and on Friday at the HZDR (Rossendorf) The workshop is planned with four sessions (in consecutive order).
A: Planned Projects (based on ELBE technology)
B: Solid State Amplifier RF Sources
C: Making It Work
D: Special Topics and ELBE
Number of participants: about 30, Please register before February 13,
Chairs: P. Michel (HZDR/ARD), H. Büttig (HZDR)
Secretary: P. Neumann (HZDR) (p.neumann@hzdr.de)
No workshop fee. Please send the title of your contribution for our time schedule.
Accomodation: A room contingent to a special rate is available before Feb.-13 at the InterCity Hotel Dresden, located at the main railway station Dresden-Hauptbahnhof, Wiener Platz 8,01069 Dresden. To check in please use the form at this page under: "more information" and fax it to the hotel: +49 351 26355 200
During the 1 ½ day workshop we would like to share information and experiences in high beam current CW operation among designers, industrial partners and users of superconducting CW-LINACs.
The workshop will take place on Thursday March-14 in the InterCity Hotel Dresden and on Friday at the HZDR (Rossendorf) The workshop is planned with four sessions (in consecutive order).
A: Planned Projects (based on ELBE technology)
B: Solid State Amplifier RF Sources
C: Making It Work
D: Special Topics and ELBE
Number of participants: about 30, Please register before February 13,
Chairs: P. Michel (HZDR/ARD), H. Büttig (HZDR)
Secretary: P. Neumann (HZDR) (p.neumann@hzdr.de)
No workshop fee. Please send the title of your contribution for our time schedule.
Accomodation: A room contingent to a special rate is available before Feb.-13 at the InterCity Hotel Dresden, located at the main railway station Dresden-Hauptbahnhof, Wiener Platz 8,01069 Dresden. To check in please use the form at this page under: "more information" and fax it to the hotel: +49 351 26355 200
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