Marcel, top mass at linear collider:
Possible questions to study:
- theory limited cross section? theory input for this in snowmass?
- single top background indistinguishable from tt at some point - how limiting?
- measuring the W mass? GigaZ or something like that would be able to do that, but no plans for ILC or CLIC to start at such a low energy for a long period of time. Most studies keep this as a requirement for a linear collider, but it would delay the rest of the program.
- if Higgs collider gets built (250GeV), cheaper, but more narrow program
- any machine would realistically have to be upgradable to 350GeV
- no study so far if any top physics is possible at 250GeV
Sergei, MC samples:
- Andi: have to consider trigger in semi-leptonic top decays, not clear if can trigger on boosted top decaying to lepton.
- Different generators? Sergei will determine how can interface with his setup.
- Sergei can generate samples for people if someone sends him the card files
- Sergei might also upload tar file with everything needed to start generation, then others can generate themselves
- Discussion tomorrow between EF conveners to figure out how simulation will be handled in general.
- Send any complaints about MC samples and simulation web site to Sergei.
- How to edit twiki? Need to register from main Snowmass twiki page, and then log in to edit twiki pages.
- Andi: Afb at LHCb? Should be possible? Other top physics possible at LHCb? Kaustubh: phenomenology paper by Sheldon Stone and others.
- Kaustubh: if looking for something to do, topics are already available, can start now.
Next vidyo/phone meeting in 2 or 3 weeks.