GridPP Cloud Meeting 15th February 2013 2pm

Present: Ian Collier, Simon Fayer, David Colling (DC), Duncan Rand, Adam Huffman, Andrew McNab, Robert Frank, Kashif Mohammad, Wahid Bhimji, Andrew Lahiff, Jeremy Coles, Roger

1 Actions from previous meeting

2 CMS status - Andrew Lahiff


4 LHCb - Andrew McNab

5 GridPP

6 Other UK sites and interaction with them

7 Security


9 Next meeting

10 Actions

Actions from previous meeting

  1. The new contact address for the GridPP Cloud hosted at Imperial is:
  2. Each site to create a twiki page- only ECDF has done this so far
  3. IPv6
  • DC discussed with Dave Kelsey
  • Just be part of test-bed for now, nothing specific
  • Discussions ongoing
  1. Contact with other cloud projects
  • DC contacted David Wallom, Matteo and Steve Newhouse

  • There will be a conference call today at 1610, on which DC will report for the next meeting

  • Ian's resources not part of EGI Federated Cloud yet because their OCCI endpoint is not installed yet

  • DC contacted Bob Jones at Helix Nebula, which is starting its second phase now

  • He said there should be two ways to interact with Helix Nebula:

    i As sites providing cloud resources, via the EGI Federation

    ii Dialogue at country level over the provision of private and public clouds

    • DC said GridPP is interested at this level
    • DC will follow up on what happens
  1. Ian posted links to VM information
  2. DC spoke to John Green regarding security and this work will be ongoing

CMS status - Andrew Lahiff


LHCb - Andrew McNab


Other UK sites and interaction with them



Next meeting


  1. David to report on conference call about EGI Federated Cloud
  2. Adam to create /store/user area at IC for Andrew L.
  3. Andrew L. to distribute a link to the CMS Dashboard for the cloud jobs
  4. Adam to put documentation of the cloud cluster on the wiki
  5. Wahid to have plan for storage (S3) testing for next meeting
  6. David, Jeremy and Ian to think about how to form a cloud community that joins with other similar communities
  7. David to circulate a link to the discussion at last month's GDB