CERN openlab Summer Student programme 2013
Lecture 11: Systemtap : Patching the linux kernel on the fly
31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)
The presentation will describe the usage of Systemtap, in CERN Scientific Linux environment. Systemtap is a tool that allows developers and administrators to write and reuse simple scripts to deeply examine the activities of a live Linux system. We will go through the life cycle of a system tap module : creation, packaging, deployment. It will focus on how we used it recently at CERN as a workaround to patch a 0-day.
Thomas Oulevey is a member if the IT department at CERN where he is an active member of the Linux team which supports 9โ000 servers, 3โ000 desktop systems and more than 5โ000 active users. Before CERN he worked at the former astrophysics department of CERN, now called the European Southern Observatory, based in Chile. He was used to maintain the core
telescope Linux systems and monitoring infrastructure.
There is a live webcast for this event