Costin, Latchezar, Ivan, Lionel, Stefan, Julia, Pablo, Nicolo, Luca, Andrea, Marian, Pedro
Joined via video:
Alessandra, Alberto, Markus

Pablo described the goal of the project.
Round table, people introduced themselves

Have brainstorming meeting with wide audience and then later split in
smaller groups with focused tasks
Pablo pointed to the list of applications on the twiki,
split in 5 categories
Does not include experiment-specific applications  developed inside
Experiments are free to complement the table on twiki with their internal
We would like to get feedback from the experiments about tools we have,
which are used by experiments, which are not used, what can be improved.

Latchezar asked what WLCG monitoring has to do with Agile monitoring
Pedro told that there is a lot of synergies, in particulr what concerns
service monitoring and there is an opportunity to converge on common

Latchezar asked what is the future of SAM
Pablo replied that we have EGI obligations for SAM and evidently SAM is
needed for WLCG , but probably can be simplified for the WLCG use-case
Marian added that current SAM is Nagios-based.

Stefan asked whether the goal of the project is consolidation or redesign

Pablo answered that the main goal is consolidation, but it does not
exclude that some of the components would be redesigned. We should have a
clear picture in 3 months

Pedro suggested to add to the twiki two other tables in addition to the
one which describes the tools and their functonality. One with focus on
architecture, another one with the focus on technology

Marian asked why the project member list does not include representative
of the WLCG office?

Pablo: Good point, will correct this

Nicolo suggested to take into account functionality
provided by experiment-specific systems
developed inside a particular experiment.

Stefan told that it is important to have tools which expose to the sites
status of experiment activities at the site

Julia told that SiteView was designed  to perform this task, but so far
was not really used apart of dissemination purposes. Need to understand why, functionality is
not appropriate or it was not publicised enough.

Alessandra mentioned that some of the tools are new for her, can be that
they are not known to other people as well.

Andrea asked, whether it is possible to get an overview of the Agile
monitoring tools, Pedro will send around a link with documentation

Pablo asked experiment and site representatives to review the list and
by the next meeting to provide feedback, what is needed, what can be dropped , what can be

Pablo asked whether the time slot is fine for regular meetings and people
replied that it is OK

The proposal is to have meetings every two weeks. The next one
is on the 5th of July.