CERN openlab Summer Student programme 2013
Lecture 12: Invenio Technology - Selected Practical Software Development Lessons From A Large Digital Library System
30/7-018 - Kjell Johnsen Auditorium (CERN)
This talk presents some concrete lessons learned during the development of the Invenio digital library software, providing not just information on Invenio per se, but rather a number of selected examples and use cases that the audience can take home and apply to their own lives and environments.
Tibor Simko received PhD in plasma physics from Comenius University Bratislava, Slovakia and University Paris XI Orsay, France. He has been working in the digital library field since 1998. He is the lead architect and developer of the Invenio digital library software. He has top level expertise in the domain of information management and retrieval, storing and seeking electronic information, indexing and search engines, ranking and classification, lexical analysis and digital libraries. He is also the technical coordinator of INSPIRE, the next-generation high-energy physics information system being co-developed by a collaboration of the major HEP laboratories worldwide.
There is a live webcast for this event