List of Recommended Hotels

Recommended nearby hotels

Geneva offers a wide range of hotels in all categories. A list of hotels having special rates for CERN can be found here. Further hotels can be booked here.

Dormitory style, not very high standard rooms are available at CERN. Reservations can be made here

Other hotels reasonably priced:

ETAP and Suite (Avenue Louis Casaï 30). They are conveniently located for airport (bus 10), for CERN (tram 14/16 and bus 56) and for the train station (tram 14/16).
ETAP rates for 2 nights, breakfast included: 240 CHF
Suite rates for 2 nights, breakfast incl.: 452 CHF.
Reservations can be made here.

Ibis hotel (rue Voltaire, 10): close to Cornavin train station, conveniently located for the airport, CERN and the centre town.
Reservations can be made here.