CCRC'08 planning conference call
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Summary of CCRC08 planning conference call of Jan 28 2008
The meeting was chaired by J.Shiers with notes taken by H.Renshall.
The agenda with attached material is at
and the associated Twiki is at
Representatives Present: Tier0 (M.C-S), WLCG (JS, HR, GM),
Papers concerning current service issues of concern and possible service
interventions are also attached to the agenda.
Minutes of the previous meeting: (HR) No comments.
CCRC'08 Calendar: (JS)
The ccrc08 Wiki now includes a tabular calendar (thanks to P.Mendez)
of major activities. We invite experiments to send us their
additions such as other significant activities, software release dates
etc. Items should be high level but relevant. The calendar currently
only runs to June but will be extended to cover the whole year. JS
queried if it should also have a site view but the consensus was to
keep it with experiment views only.
Metrics : (JS)
There are still some gaps in the metrics that the MB wants filled.
DM group have now proposed metrics for the conditions data bases
(attached to the agenda) and experiments and Tier 1 are invited to
comment and think of establishing metrics for their own database services.
Metrics for the conditions service - akin to those defined
initial for DBL3 and later extended to HEPDB in the LEP era - should
also be established. (Conditions data must be made available within one
hour onsite and a few hours at external sites; data integrity metrics
etc.). I would like comments on this from the experiment reprocessing
Known Issues and Workarounds:
GM said there is a new issue of Tier 2 sites migrating to srm2 where
there was a correlation with an OSG rollout in the US. Atlas would like
as many Tier 2 on srm2 as possible. The FTS team think about 100 are but
will check.
In the service issues JS said the SRM second point of not choosing the
correct pool for a bring online operation in dcache will affect
reprocessing and may affect data export by filling the wrong pools.
If we get this far in the February functional tests we will have learned
a lot but it must be resolved for the May run.
JS has also added to the agenda, and ccrc08 Twiki, an associated service
interventions page where we have put known intervention plans at CERN
during February. He asked what other concerns and plans there are from
the sites and experiments. LB pointed out that there are storage
solutions being proposed in the service issues but which do not have
a matching intervention proposed e.g. Castor and dpm upgrades. JS agreed
these should be added to the interventions page.
The Feb 5 pre-GDB face-to-face meeting will review the remaining
service, site and experiment concerns and issues.
IT/Grid Support
There are minutes attached to this event.
Show them.