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"Skills and Requirements for Libraries Supporting Research": talk by Marc van den Berg (Tilburg University)

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World Health Organization 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Genève

The Swiss National Library, CERN and AILIS invite you to the 4th Library Science Talk 2013.

Marc van den Berg (Tilburg University, NL) will talk about "Skills and Requirements for Libraries Supporting Research".

The talk will take place on Monday 16th of September at 15.30 in Geneva at WHO.

External guests should announce themselves at the WHO reception, Avenue Appia 20, and indicate that they are participating in the Library Science Talk in the Library Meeting Room. Please register beforehand by contacting or by phone at 022-791.35.57.

University libraries today are performing ‘classical’ library tasks, such as acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, collection management, inter-library loan, providing research rooms, teaching information literacy and sometimes also looking after and preserving cultural heritage objects, organising lectures, talks and expositions. Some of these tasks can be modernised or partly automated, some cannot.
Libraries in the digital age also face new tasks, such as dealing with library systems and the question of sourcing, providing flexible learning spaces, digitise print collections, and, maybe most importantly: supporting education and research beyond the provision of access to print and digital collections.
In his talk for AILIS Marc van den Berg, director of Library and IT Services at Tilburg University in the Netherlands, will focus on the new tasks for university libraries in the areas of education and research support and zoom in specifically on the challenges in dealing with research data.

About the speaker:

Marc van den Berg graduated from the Dutch agricultural university in the subject field en­vi­ronmental studies, in 1983. He has been working in ICT since 1984, in a university library  since 2005 and is managing a combination of ICT and library departments at Tilburg University since February 2010. His career in ICT was mainly focused on R&D, within the university library he was responsible for the digital library and electronic services.

Currently Marc van den Berg is director of Library and IT Services (LIS) at Tilburg Universi­ty. LIS offers services in several areas: ICT and AV, library (both physical and digital), education support and research support, ICT-in-education, learning centres, information management, project management and cultural heritage.
