MINIBALL Workshop and Users meeting

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin (CERN)

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin


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Peter Reiter (University Cologne, Nuclear Physics Institut)
Dear colleague,
you are kindly invited to participate in the MINIBALL workshop and users meeting which will be held at CERN, Geneva  from Thursday October 24 (starting at 14.00 h) to Friday October 25 (ending at 16.00 h) 2013.
The meeting should bring together all members of the MINIBALL collaboration, thus stimulating discussion and exchange on new developments and recent physics results.  The results from the broad range of ongoing MINIBALL experiments at ISOLDE are presented by young scientists at the workshop. The meeting will inspire exchange and discussion between the students working on specific analysis issues.

The CERN shut down period and the HIE-ISOLDE upgrade will allow campaigns at stable beam accelerators until beginning of 2015. The workshop will be used to present the status of the ongoing measurements with a subgroup of MINIBALL detectors at MLL, Munich.
Proposals for measurements with MINIBALL detectors at ALTO (Accelerateur Lineaire et Tandem à Orsay) will be discussed.

The workshop will take place in room 6-2-024 (BE Auditorium) on 24th October and in room 13-2-005 on 25th October.