Security and networking
- Dave Kelsey (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
- Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))
Security and networking: Security and networking
- Dave Kelsey (STFC - Rutherford Appleton Lab. (GB))
Marek Elias
(Institute of Physics ASCR (FZU))
5/21/14, 9:00 AM
Security & Networking
At FZU we are continuing with deployment of IPv6 in our testbed as well
as the production network. On dual stack, we are currently running
several subclusters of worker nodes and our DPM storage system.
Production data transfers from DPM to dualstack worker nodes using
lcg-cp are currently running via IPv6. We present our experience with
this deployment, new nagios sensors needed in this...
Christopher John Walker
(University of London (GB))
5/21/14, 9:25 AM
Security & Networking
IPv6 rollout at UK sites varies from one site where nearly all services are dual stack (Imperial), to others without any IPv6 addresses. The current rollout status will be presented. In addition, results of IPv6 connectivity testing using perfsonar will be discussed.
Shawn Mc Kee
(University of Michigan (US))
5/21/14, 9:50 AM
Security & Networking
As reported at the last HEPiX meeting, the WLCG has been supporting the deployment of perfSONAR-PS Toolkit instances at all WLCG sites over the last year. The WLCG perfSONAR-PS Deployment Task Force has now wrapped up its work in April 2014.
The perfSONAR network monitoring framework was evaluated and agreed as a proper solution to cover the WLCG network monitoring use cases: it allows...
Eileen Kuhn
(KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (DE))
5/21/14, 10:15 AM
Security & Networking
Batch system monitoring and related system monitoring tools allow tracking data streams at different levels. With the introduction of federated data access to the workflows of WLCG it is becoming increasingly important for data centers to understand specific data flows regarding storage element accesses, firewall configurations, or the scheduling of workflows themselves. For this purpose a...
Vincent Brillault
5/21/14, 11:10 AM
Security & Networking
The Emergency suspension list (also known as central banning list) is finally getting deployed in WLCG, allowing quick automated responses to incidents. This short presentation will present the goal of this new features, the technology behind this system and details about the current deployment.
joel surget
5/21/14, 11:25 AM
Security & Networking
In 2013/2014 the CEA has decided to change dramatically the security of the Windows PC and the way to manage them. I’ll explain the new philosophy of the security based on two levels:
- Lateral security
- Escalade security
I’ll explain the problematic for the end-users and also for the IT team.
Vincent Brillault
5/21/14, 11:50 AM
Security & Networking
This presentation provides an update of the security landscape since the last meeting. It describes the main vectors of compromises in the academic community and presents interesting recent attacks. It also covers security risks management in general, as well as the security aspects of the current hot topics in computing, for example identity federation and virtualisation.