The FlucsLab proposal for MPD at NICA ------------------------------------- - The collider collision geometry of the MPD project allows to have a complete and uniform acceptance for charged particles. Moreover, the large acceptance for PID can be reached. - New calorimetric techniques allow to measure energy of neutral particles in the large forward-backward ("spectator") domains. - The planned energy range, 4-11 GeV, covers completely the onset of deconfinement region. These features make the MPD project unique and perfect for the study of fluctuations in different forms of strongly interacting matter (confined, mixed, deconfined). I would therefore propose to optimized the detector for the fluctuation studies ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and give to it the additional label: FlucsLab -------- Qualitatively new information comining from the FlucsLab should allow to: - greatly improve understanding of "statistical" and "non-statistical" features of hadron production (Basic), - discover nature of the phase transition at the large baron densities (e.g. 1st order with the mixed phase) (Discovery) - find many new unexpected phnomena (Exotica) which will drive future studies