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23–26 May 2014
Buehler Alumni Center
US/Pacific timezone

Degeneration of algebraic varieties and K-theory

24 May 2014, 14:45
Alpha Gamma Rho Room (Buehler Alumni Center)

Alpha Gamma Rho Room

Buehler Alumni Center

University of California, Davis, CA 95616. USA


Prof. Vadim Vologodsky (University of Oregon)


The talk is based on our joint works with Kontsevich, Schwarz, and Walcher. Let X be a smooth proper algebraic variety over the formal punctured disk, maximally degenerated at the origin. Generalizing Mumford's construction in the case of abelian varieties I will attach to X a certain mixed Tate motive over the punctured disk and explain some application of this construction to the Mirror Symmetry.

Primary author

Prof. Vadim Vologodsky (University of Oregon)

Presentation materials

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