1st International Workshop on Soft Physics in ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

University of Catania, Physics Department

University of Catania, Physics Department

Via Santa Sofia, 64 I-95123 Catania (Italy)
Person Chair
About one year before LHC starts data taking, at the beginning of studies which characterize this new collision energy regime, this workshop aims to encourage discussion among physicists involved in soft physics topics at ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions, coming from SPS, RHIC and LHC. Discussion will touch all interesting topics of soft physics study, both from the experimental and theoretical point of view: it will allow to present last results obtained at the RHIC energy and to make the point on the development of new analysis tools and on theoretical predictions for the LHC regime. All sessions will be plenary and considering the "informal" style of this workshop, a large part of it will be devoted to discussion.