AMOD report
nothing to add

MC production planning: next weeks will not change dramatically.
130M events digi+reco --> few days (order of 10)
- plan to have more multi core queue commissioning.
- validation of DC14 8TeV expected before Christmas, submit performance sample before Christmas.

Reprocessing planning: 3 reprocessing
1) small test global data conditions tag
2) touching all 2012 data of Egamma, Muoons, JetTauEtmiss streams , output 2% in DESD files. 2.2PB data
slice test this week.
all details in attach document, input file size specified, which runs in which order.
Estimate processing time 30 days with 20% of resources (on Tier1)
3) DC14 to begin in march14 (if Rel19 validated)

Question: for the prestage ? it should be automatic, we will produce a list of datasets available where, with the volume, we will communicate this to Tier1s even if it should be automatic for them (no manual actions)  
Question: When you finish the repro will you obsolete the previous version? Till: we want to keep both.

Group Production:
NTUP_COMMON version before Christmas. Freezing sw now.
validation tull 12thDec,
bulk the 16th. 35% of all the resources for 5 weeks...

MC prod: for now approx 10 days of full grid, the rest to be seen in the coming days.
Repro: 30 days for 20% of the T1s, starting hopefully before Christmas
Group prod: NTUP_COMMON 35% of all the resources for 5 weeks...

Questions: notifications: can we get? yes, it should be possible, it will be investigated


Robot Certificate email:
we will need to answer 2 questions:
1) how many users you serve with your Robot certificate?
the possible answer is: we serve about 3k users
2) how many of the served users do not own a personal certificate?
--> this depends on the robot certificate.
   -- For all the Robots for the central services like DDM, panda, APF, SSB, Installation system, we believe this number is 0.
the possible answer is then 0.
   -- for other services like FAX (as raised by Doug) there might be cases of ATLAS members without a personal certificate (and thus without VO membership). Doug (and the other owners which have similar situations) will quantify and will reply accordingly.