BlackMax Update Meeting
BlackMax3 Update 20mSpeaker: Mr Warren Carlson (University of the Witwatersrand)
List of outstanding issues:
- Need to check that the units throughout the code are indeed in GeV
- Compare the different definitions of the extradimensional Gravitational Constant and Planck Scale used in the code with the ones in the literature (BlackMax Manual and published paper)
- Add units and legend to all plots
- In slide 9 of the talk, why is the range of the Hawking Temperature so little? Possible problem with units. The Schwarzschild radius units seem wrong too
- Also in slide 9, why is the range different for each value of n?
- To make direct comparisons with BlackMax, need to reproduce figures 1 and 2 of the BlackMax paper
BlacMax 3 Update 18th December 20mSpeaker: Mr Warren CarlsonList of checks/outstanding issues:
- Check the gamma function against a standard one used in Mathematica/Maple (or against code found online)
- Dimensions of the M^* formula, at the moment that looks dimensionless
- Saw tooth behaviour in slide 3, plot each separate part of the function to understand where it comes from. Might be an issue with the gamma function
- Check formula in slide 5 against the literature
- Provide values for R_Sch and G_D from BlackMax2
- 11:40 → 12:00
BlackMax 3 20th December Meeting 20mSpeakers: Mr Marc Bret, Mr Warren CarlsonList of outstanding tasks:
- Remake the plots reproducing BlackMax2 results with the correct labels (done)
- BlackMax3: Validate all the Math libraries
- BlackMax3: Check throughout the code that the convention for the number of dimensions is consistent: can use "d" for total number of spacelike dimensions and "n" for the number of extra dimensions
- Need to reproduce figure 1 from the BlackMax PRD paper as a stepping stone towards reproducing figures 2-6