ops meeting 20140311 Present: Rand, Bauer, Crooks, Korolkova, Mac Mahon, Steele, Qin, Roy, Smith, Coles, Hill, Slater, Doidge, Williams, Fay, Frank, Bhimji. http://indico.cern.ch/event/291930/ Experiments CMS (Daniela): Not much to report. CMS still looking at SHA-2 related issues. ALAS (Elena): No news to report this week. Elena preparing report from S&C week, will present next week. LHCb: No Raja Other VO's: Chris at GDB Bulletin updates: EGI participation in workshop on open access wrt Horizon 2020. EGI planning a pilot on distributed open data. Vidyo testing in progress. Seems to work for GDB, but PMB often have problems. What echo cancellation etc settings should we use? WLCG ops coordination meeting. Christina is joining EGI ops team. WLCG availability and reliability reports are now out, please report to Jeremy if your site is there. Could consider doing as the French Cloud do. Outage of GOCdb last week, due to a disk failure. Also DNS fail-over problems. EGI moving to federated cloud sites. Pre-GDB on batch systems ongoing. First talk on Torque/Maui - perhaps set up a support group. Let's not confuse Torque and Maui, they are different things. Moab is the supported version, but Torque seems to cause more problems. Cost of Moab not clear. Some sites moving to Slurm. Return to this next week. Operations coordinations meeting ========================== Simone moving on. Proposal to move from FTS2 by 1st August. Ongoing dCache support for 2.2. etc, see the bulletin. Tier-1 update (Gareth) ================= VM issues stabilised, but not entirely resolved. Still working on myproxy server for small VO's Moving to new site firewall next Monday. FTS service will be drained. RALPPD done last Thursday, so far so good. Raja: LHCb using ARC CE's at Tier-1 (standing item). Minor issue with RALPPD's ARC-CE's however. Storage and Data Management ========================= No update. Storage group (Jens) talking to DiRAC. Brian looking at deleting dark data via webdav at Tier-2s. Accounting ========= Please enter your HEPSPEC06 results into the wiki. Inter-operation (David) ================== EMI-3 tarball work done by Matt. New set of Nagios probes. WN-se-rep probes moving to a new developer. EMI-2 decommisioning. dCache support extended. Staged rollout =========== Web pages have been updated Monitoring ======== David gave a summary of the feedback for the monitoring consolidation group AOB === No other AOB. [11:21:24] Daniela Bauer The SHA issue is related to data transfers via Phedex [11:33:14] Ewan Mac Mahon Yup, we know. Planning to deal with storage-monit today. Hopefully. [11:33:26] Ewan Mac Mahon It's an easy update on DPM anyway. [11:33:57] Jeremy Coles http://www.hep.ph.ic.ac.uk/~dbauer/grid/state_of_the_nation.html [11:36:26] Sam Skipsey I'm not sure I'd characterise my response as "doesn't want to" [11:36:33] Sam Skipsey It's more "this is a really silly idea" [11:38:56] Wahid Bhimji For Perfsonar do people use LiveCD or netinstall [11:39:12] Brian Davies fal-pygrid-30.lancs.ac.uk [11:40:07] Ewan Steele Wahid we used a cd [11:40:17] Wahid Bhimji OK but on [11:40:22] Wahid Bhimji https://code.google.com/p/perfsonar-ps/wiki/pSPerformanceToolkit33UpgradeGuide [11:40:51] Wahid Bhimji if I follow the LiveCD it doesn't seem to actually do an installation on the harddrive - if you do that are supposed to always boot the OS from the CD? [11:40:51] Brian Davies shows up up interstingly as a host needing updating even though it's version appears up to date in http://www2.ph.ed.ac.uk/~wbhimji/SRMMonitoring/ ; Matt, are you using an emi2 endpoint fro your 1.8.7-3 DPM? [11:42:01] Wahid Bhimji Ewan was it a different CD you used to upgrade than the LiveCD one on that page? [11:42:10] Ewan Mac Mahon FWIW DPM 1.8.7-3 is in EMI2, so that's perfectly possible. [11:42:41] Duncan Rand We have rpms installed on the harddisk... [11:42:45] Ewan Mac Mahon And I was going to check on the perfSonar thing, but I believe I used the little (~250MB?) netinstall image. [11:43:15] Ewan Mac Mahon And then, as Duncan says, the result is an installed OS on the disk, no CD image required on an ongoing basis. [11:43:31] Wahid Bhimji OK cool - well that probably explains my confusion - I will do the netinstall instead then... [11:43:56] Tom Whyntie Thanks, bye [11:44:02] Wahid Bhimji wicked [11:45:47] Govind Songara I use netinstall iso