Reported by Adrian Oeftiger Q by Stefan Sorge (?): if delta F contribution is large => some weight factors w_i grow strongly for particles that go from large f0 regions to small f0 regions, therefore induces non-physical plasma heating -- one needs to find a way around this! A: you lose conservation properties in delta F codes that one usually has in PIC codes, however, Sonnendruecker et al. found practical solutions to the unphysical plasma heating issue, paper soon to be published. Q by Ji Qiang: important to know that delta F is to be handled as a perturbation such that (f0 - delta f) / f0 is very small and f0 is the general solution to the Vlasov equation. However, in general in (high intensity) beam physics, f0 is not well known! A: I agree, for instability codes delta F codes are not suitable because you don't know your f0. However, for this particular case when analysing halo or beam emittance growth studies and we know the matched [unperturbed] solution already, then it is a fine solution. Q by Frederik Kesting (?): Are collisions in 2.5D and 2D the same as in 3D? How is this justified? A: Particles have a finite size and we talk about interactions on a grid. Particles are very long in the longitudinal direction and very tiny in the transverse plane; furthermore synchroton motion is very slow, a thousand times slower than the transverse motion such that collisions mainly happen in the transverse and we assume this for our model. Of course this does not hold true anymore for grids that are the same in longitudinal as in transverse. Q by Elena: What happens if M is equal to the number of macroparticles N in your model, there is diffusion? A: Then you have real Intra Beam Scattering.