Protocol for the session Experiments II (Ingo Hofmann) written by Frederik Kesting (GSI) 1) Shinji MACHIDA: SC Simulations for 4th order Resonance * Simone GILARDONI: Remark on the fact that in the experiment one might have observed not a 4th order but a 8th order resonance; in the simulations an error-free lattice was used, however errors in the machine might affect the driving terms of the resonance. In this context Elena BENEDETTO confirms that measurement data of the errors in the machine are available (taken 2012). * Giuliano FRANCHETTI: Doubtful comment on the selection of a longitudinal subregion (slide 11), since he suspects a re-population in the longitudinal plane. * Elena BENEDETTO: Question if sextupolar resonances might be dominant and are in fact the reason for the emittance blow-up, that was observed. In this context Raymond WASSEF explains that this can be excluded since there was chromaticity correction and the simulations seem to confirm the existence of the 4th order resonance. 2) Christoph MONTAG: Recent Results for RHIC with frozen SC & BB (MADX-SC) * Elena BENEDETTO: Doubtful comment if the effect of magnet imperfections might be the dominant effect on the dynamical aperture. 3) Giuliano FRANCHETTI: PS Experiment - Micromap Analysis * Shinji MACHIDA: Question if we can speak about closed volumes/surfaces in 4D in this context; Frank SCHMIDT explains that we can imagine it as as tory around fixed lines. * Ingo HOFMANN: Doubtful comment that only particle densities were measured; also other effects (as resonances) might be important as properties of fixed lines. Giuliano FRANCHETTI explains, that f.e. the flipping of the plot for skew sextupolar components gives evidence, that his model is correct. Higher order resonances are excluded. * Ingo HOFMANN: Comment, that it would be nice to have one free parameter to change, in order to confirm this model. Frank SCHMIDT remarks, that data for this is probably already available.