Jun 15 – 20, 2014
Laurentian University / Université Laurentienne
America/Toronto timezone
Welcome to the 2014 CAP Congress! / Bienvenue au congrès de l'ACP 2014!

Search for the rare $B^-$ $\rightarrow\Lambda\bar{p}\nu\bar{\nu}$ decay at the BaBar experiment

Jun 16, 2014, 4:45 PM
C-114 (Laurentian University / Université Laurentienne)


Laurentian University / Université Laurentienne

Sudbury, Ontario
Oral (Student, In Competition) / Orale (Étudiant(e), inscrit à la compétition) Particle Physics / Physique des particules (PPD) (M2-9) Status and Future of Precision Frontier - PPD-DIMP / État et avenir de la frontière de précision -PPD-DPIM


Mr Robert Seddon (McGill University)


The decay $B^-$ $\rightarrow\Lambda\bar{p}\nu\bar{\nu}$ is a semileptonic, flavour-changing-neutral-current decay. It proceeds exclusively through one-loop box and penguin diagrams and is therefore expected to be heavily suppressed ("rare") within the context of the Standard Model (SM) with a predicted branching fraction of $(7.9 \pm 1.9) \times 10^{-7}$. The possibility of new physics particles contributing in the quantum loops make this decay a very sensitive probe for beyond-SM physics, as any deviation from the predicted decay processes will noticeably affect the suppressed branching fraction. Using data from the BaBar experiment, this analysis aims to establish the first experimentally measured branching fraction limit for this process. In this talk I will describe the experimental and analytical techniques used in this research and present preliminary results.

Primary author

Mr Robert Seddon (McGill University)

Presentation materials