Kyle Shiells
The ns → (n+1)s transition in alkali atoms is of interest due to its sensitivity to relativistic effects, and it has been the basis for the most stringent atomic parity non-conservation measurement by the Boulder group. We have carried out 5s→6s two-photon spectroscopy on rubidium kept in a vapor cell, with the aim of determining 6s hyperfine splittings and 5s→6s isotope shifts between isotopes 85 and 87 at the 100 kHz level, using RF sideband modulation techniques. In a next step, we will observe the Stark-induced one-photon 5s→6s transition in a vapor cell with internal field plates. The goal will be to determine the 5s→6s scalar and tensor transition polarizabilities. These measurements are precursors to equivalent measurements in laser-trapped francium atoms at TRIUMF.
Supported by NSERC and the University of Manitoba.
Primary author
Kyle Shiells
Dallas Clement
(University of British Columbia)
Daniel Friesen
(University of Manitoba)
Gerald Gwinner