LHC Seminar
Soft and hard probes of high-temperature matter with the ATLAS experiment
503/1-001 - Council Chamber (CERN)
Relativistic heavy ion collisions provide an experimental setting for studying a variety of novel QCD phenomena. In particular, they enable the study of QCD at high temperatures and provide accessibility to a medium, the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP), containing a high density of unscreened color charges. Measurements performed in the LHC era have revolutionized our understanding of phenomena such as harmonic flow and jet quenching in the QGP and have altered the paradigm underlying proton-ion collisions. The high-quality calorimetry make the ATLAS detector an ideal apparatus to study jet observables and the large acceptance enables detailed measurements of soft particle correlations. In this talk I will summarize measurements performed by the ATLAS Collaboration. These include jet observables that are directly sensitive to jet quenching as well as a comprehensive set of color-neutral probes that provide control over hard scattering rates. Also presented are flow measurements that elucidate the role of initial geometric fluctuations on higher order harmonic flow and provide detailed information on medium parameters and their evolution with temperature. Similar measurements in p+Pb collisions will also be shown, which indicate final state collective effects in a system where such phenomena were previously thought to be impossible. Finally, new jet measurements in p+Pb will be presented that hint at previously unconsidered hard-soft QCD correlations.
Organised by
M. Mangano, C. Lourenco, G. Unal......................... Tea and Coffee will be served at 10h30
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