August 24, 2014 to September 6, 2014
University of Minho and LIP
Europe/Lisbon timezone

Software Design in the Many-Cores era - Lecture 1

Aug 27, 2014, 8:45 AM
University of Minho and LIP

University of Minho and LIP

Braga, Portugal


Benedikt Hegner (CERN) Danilo Piparo (CERN)


Outfitting a Modern HEP Data Processing Framework for Concurrency Even though the miniaturization of transistors on chips continues like predicted by Moore's law, computer hardware starts to face scaling issues, so-called performance 'walls'. Probably, the best known is the 'power wall', which limits clock frequencies. Amongst others, a way of increasing processor performance remains now to integrate many cores in the same chip. At the same time, the upcoming LHC upgrade will increase the required CPU power drastically. Both problems challenge the current way of software design in high energy physics (HEP). Developers in high energy physics are forced to re-think their ways of software design and need to move to massively parallel applications. This lecture will explain the current HEP software design, the hardware and physics issues that need to be tackled, and possible approaches to achieve the required level of parallelization.

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