Example 1: Quick start with Delphes =================================== 1. Connect to LXPLUS: ssh -Y username@lxplus.cern.ch 2. Setup GCC and ROOT: for bash: source /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/gcc/4.7/x86_64-slc6/setup.sh source /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/app/releases/ROOT/5.34.18/x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt/root/bin/thisroot.sh for [t]csh: source /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/external/gcc/4.7/x86_64-slc6/setup.csh source /afs/cern.ch/sw/lcg/app/releases/ROOT/5.34.18/x86_64-slc6-gcc47-opt/root/bin/thisroot.csh 3. Commands to get the code: wget http://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/downloads/Delphes-3.1.2.tar.gz tar -zxf Delphes-3.1.2.tar.gz 4. Commands to compile the code: cd Delphes-3.1.2 make -j 4 5. Finally, we can run Delphes: ./DelphesSTDHEP 6. and simulate some ee->ZH->mumubb events: ./DelphesSTDHEP examples/delphes_card_FCC_basic.tcl step_1.root /afs/cern.ch/user/s/selvaggi/public/delphes_tuto/ee_zh_mmbb.hep or curl -s http://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/downloads/delphes_tuto/ee_zh_mmbb.hep.gz | gunzip | ./DelphesSTDHEP examples/delphes_card_FCC_basic.tcl step_1.root Example 2: Simple analysis using TTree::Draw ============================================ Now we can start ROOT and look at the data stored on the tree 1. Start ROOT and load shared library: root -l gSystem->Load("libDelphes"); 2. Open ROOT tree file and do some basic analysis using Draw or TBrowser: TFile::Open("step_1.root"); Delphes->Draw("Muon.PT", "Muon.PT > 20"); Delphes->Draw("Jet.PT", "Jet.BTag > 0"); TBrowser browser; Note 1: Delphes - tree name, it can be learnt e.g. from TBrowser Note 2: Muon - branch name; PT - variable (leaf) of this branch Complete description of all branches can be found in Delphes/doc/RootTreeDescription.html This file is also available via web: http://cp3.irmp.ucl.ac.be/downloads/RootTreeDescription.html Example 3: Macro-based analysis =============================== Analysis macro consists of histogram booking, event loop (histogram filling), histogram display Delphes/examples contains macros Example1.C, Example2.C and Example3.C 1. Here are commands to run a macro reconstructing the Higgs invariant mass: cp /afs/cern.ch/user/s/selvaggi/public/delphes_tuto/InvariantMass.C . root -l -b -q InvariantMass.C'("step_1.root", "step_1_plots.root")' The step_1_plots.root file contains 2 histograms of uncorrected and corrected b-bbar invariant mass Example 4: Modifying configuration file ======================================= 1. Change the calorimeter granularity in the configuration file: edit examples/delphes_card_FCC_basic.tcl replace ECAL and HCAL phi and eta bins with: # 1 degree towers set PhiBins {} for {set i -180} {$i <= 180} {incr i} { add PhiBins [expr {$i * $pi/180.0}] } # 0.01 unit in eta up to eta = 6 for {set i -600} {$i <= 600} {incr i} { set eta [expr {$i * 0.01}] add EtaPhiBins $eta $PhiBins } 2. rerun Delphes: ./DelphesSTDHEP examples/delphes_card_FCC_basic.tcl step_2.root /afs/cern.ch/user/s/selvaggi/public/delphes_tuto/ee_zh_mmbb.hep 3. redo the invariant mass histograms: root -l -b -q InvariantMass.C'("step_2.root", "step_2_plots.root")' 4. compare histograms: root -l step_1_plots.root step_2_plots.root ((TH1F *)_file0->Get("mbb_corr"))->SetLineColor(kBlue); ((TH1F *)_file1->Get("mbb_corr"))->SetLineColor(kRed); _file0->Get("mbb_corr")->Draw(); _file1->Get("mbb_corr")->Draw("SAME"); 5. You could also try to change the energy resolution of ECAL and/or HCAL.