Discussing the Future of C++ (Rapperswil Meeting)
The future of C++ is defined by an ISO committee that includes CERN. Several proposals are on the table for the upcoming committee meeting (Rapperswil, June 16-21). Axel will inform about the state of C++14 and of technical proposals (file system etc) and present the main proposals that will be discussed at the committee meeting. The complete list of proposals is attached to this event page. The feedback from this meeting will then be voiced at the standards meeting: participate here and you help shape C++!
About the speaker
Axel Naumann is a member of the ROOT team in the PH-SFT group, where he is working on ROOT 6 and ROOT's interpreter. Since 2012 CERN sends him to the C++ standard meetings.
Organised by: Axel Naumann/PH Department and Miguel Angel Marquina
Computing Seminars /IT Department