- Actions
- Get schema updated on LCGIC01 to fix the connection
Will do it when the registry hardware is deployed - No new hardware yet - but it can be done quickly.
- Track patch 1712
for GIN
In pre-production. Some sites have updated - one has had a
problem. - Now marked as in production. There is still a problem on the Greek PPS site.
- System tests for the registry - including registry
replication and perhaps interworking with the old registry
The basic test works fine in isolation. Trying to get it to work within
the framework - not finding common in the PYTHONPATH
- Move registry replication to use multiple resultsets -
and document in the spec
- Code done but not documentation
- Add metadata columns to all tables in
consultation with users
This is waiting for patch 1712
(GIN) and schema update on LCGIC01 to fix the connection
- Test migration
- Can do migration on one machine - it all works. DONE
- Write script to generate VDB rpm (which should be able to
contain more than one VDB)
Consider whether it should be a lot of small cron jobs or one big one. - It is almost done - have now built an RPM with ETICS
- Inverstigate case senitivity in getPlans and refreshPlans
- Deal with Savannah Bugs
- Track bug 21578 for
adding the UI to the L&B rgma feed.
Zdenek Salvet has said
they will try to fix
it. Steve has contacted Zdenek who now say he is working on it. - Necessary changes have been committed to 3.1 LB branch, they will
be available in the next patch of glite-lb-server.
- Make system tests work.
Now all three work - on one machine. Will work on basic performance
tests and move onto 2 machines! - Problem
with producer buffer test - once buffer full exception is thrown it
never recovers. Asked Arun to provide the # of tuples in store
for a table and make it available to the inspector
- Current issues - round table
- Steve - A memory based secondary producer will destroy itself
when it
detects conditions where a primary producer would return either
RGMABufferFullException or RGMABusyExceptions.
- Steve - will work on user doc
- Alastair - schema replication testing
- Alastair - also need to check that new registry forwards correclty to the old one