Lab Saha
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Torun, Poland)
Average profiles
of some radio pulsars contain
weak emission components which cover large intervals of pulse phase
as well as localised emission or absorption features.
The polarisation-angle (PA) under such features exhibits
local distortions which cannot be explained through the rotating vector model
and other effects such as the special relativistic effects or
modification of magnetic fields.
We show that some of these distortions in the average PA curve
can be explained using a simplified physical model
of an extended microbeam of the X-mode curvature radiation.
Successful interpretation will be presented
for features with very different polarisation characteristics, such as the
bifurcated emission component on the trailing side of the profile of
J0437-4715, and for the double notches observed in B1821-24A and J0437-4715.
Primary author
Lab Saha
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Torun, Poland)
Bronislaw Rudak
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Torun, Poland)
Ismael Cognard
(LPC2E / OSUC, France)
Jaroslaw Jaroslaw Dyks
(Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center, Torun, Poland)
Lucas Guillemot
(LPC2E / OSUC, France)
Maciej Serylak
(Universtity of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa)
Stefan Oslowski
(Bielefeld, Germany)