Dec 13 – 18, 2015
International Conference Centre Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

The intriguing double torus-jet PWN around PSR J0855-4644

Dec 14, 2015, 4:35 PM
Level 0, Room 23 (International Conference Centre Geneva)

Level 0, Room 23

International Conference Centre Geneva


Chandreyee Maitra (CEA Saclay)


PSR J0855-4644 is a nearby, fast spinning, and energetic radio pulsar spatially coincident with the rim of the supernova remnant RX J0852.0-4622 (aka Vela Jr). XMM Newton observations of the pulsar region have shown an arcmin scale extended emission, the pulsar wind nebula (PWN), around the X-ray counterpart of the pulsar. Here, we present results from the small scale structure of the nebula provided by a Chandra observation of this source. This observation has revealed an arc second scale compact PWN around the pulsar showing a possible double 'torus+jet' morphology. This makes it only the third source of its kind, and being an nearby object provides us with the golden opportunity to investigate the physics of equatorial and polar outflows in PWNe. Modeling the geometry of this source is also crucial to understand why no gamma-ray pulsations have been detected by the Fermi-LAT telescope for this high E_dot/d^2 pulsar. In order to constrain the pulsar spin inclination angle, we model the double torus morphology and then compare it with theoretical phase-plots to understand this radio loud, gamma-ray quiet system.
Collaboration Chandreyee Maitra, Fabio Acero and Christo Venter

Primary author

Chandreyee Maitra (CEA Saclay)


Christo Venter (North-West University Potchefstroom Campus) Dr Fabio Acero (CEA Saclay)

Presentation materials