Alexandre Arbey
(Lyon U.)
12/15/14, 5:35 PM
The Minimal Supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) provides suitable candidates for Dark Matter. In this talk, I will discuss the constraints from Dark Matter direct detection, Planck results and LHC SUSY, Higgs and monojet data, and show that complementary of the different sectors is of importance to probe the pMSSM parameter space.
Saeid Paktinat Mehdiabadi
(School of Particles and Accelerator Inst. for Res. in Fundam. S)
12/15/14, 6:20 PM
This talk reviews the latest Dark Matter (DM) results from the CMS experiment, consisting in searches for DM particles under the form of Weakly Interactive Massive Particles. The search for directly produced DM particles exploits final states containing a high momentum single object and missing transverse energy, such as monojet, monophoton, monolepton and monotop. The production of DM...
Jan Oye Lindroos
(University of Bergen (NO))
12/15/14, 6:40 PM
We scan the 19 parameter pMSSM in search of experimentally viable models which can potentially be discovered by ATLAS during Run 2.
Laura Covi
(Goettingen University)
12/15/14, 7:00 PM
We introduce minimal models of decaying Dark Matter, characterized by the fact that DM interacts with SM particles through one renormalizable coupling with an additional heavier SM charged state. Such interaction allows to produce a substantial abundance of DM in the early Universe via the decay of the charged heavy state, either in- or out-of-equilibrium. Moreover additional couplings of the...
Anders Kvellestad
(University of Oslo)
12/16/14, 10:35 AM
Recently CMS reported a small excess in a search for opposite-sign same-flavor leptons produced in conjunction with two jets and missing transverse momentum. The excess was found to be consistent with a kinematic edge in the invariant mass spectrum of the leptons. We present a possible interpretation of this excess in terms of squark pair production followed by a ‘golden cascade’ decay for one...
Christophe Clement
(Stockholm University (SE))
12/16/14, 10:55 AM
The ATLAS experiment at CERN performs several dedicated searches for Dark Matter production, using mono-jet plus missing energy signals and mono-X plus missing energy where X can be for instance a W or Z boson or a photon. The latest constraints on Dark Matter from these searches are presented and include limits derived from search for Higgs to invisible decays.
David Salek
12/16/14, 11:15 AM
Both ATLAS and CMS have been using effective field theory approach to describe their results in terms of the DM pair-production in Run-1. Whereas the effective field theory is well applicable in the case of the direct detection experiments, it is facing severe criticism when used at colliders where the actual inferred limits on the suppression scale are comparable to the centre-of-mass energy....