The 1st Bangladesh-CERN School on Particle Physics

University of Dhaka

University of Dhaka


This 1st Bangladesh-CERN School on Particle Physics will provide an introduction to theoretical and experimental particle physics, the study of the elementary constituents of matter and their fundamental forces. The school will be held at the University of Dhaka on 15-18 December 2014.

During this period, distinguished lecturers in the frontiers of particle physics from Bangladesh and from major research centres from abroad will deliver lectures in the form of mini-courses on several topics in the field. The lecture courses will be supplemented by discussion sessions.

The aims of the School are:

  • To arouse the interest in particle physics among university undergraduate and graduate students in Bangladesh.
  • To expose students in Bangladesh to the world of cutting-edge particle physics research.
  • To introduce students in Bangladesh to particle accelerators, particle detectors and high-performance computing.