Analytics WG meeting

31/S-023 (CERN)



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Participants: Dirk Duellmann, Christian Nieke (minutes), Luca Menichetti, Rainer Toebicke,
Sebastian Ponce, Luca Canali, Pedro Andrade, Raul Gorcia Martinez, Ulrich Schwickerath, Bernd Panzer-Steindel,
Domenico Giordano, Luca Magnoni

- TWiki created by Christian to collect information on data sets at
- Experiments asked for cooperation and access to analysis
infrastructure and data
- Putting non-CERN data from WLCG there will have performance/storage impact
- will setup meetings with experiment analytics representatives to discuss details

LAN DB - What metrics may be useful for analysis?:
- Talk by Raul Garcia Martinez
- Network Services will move extracts of their data to Hadoop in some
- Focus is on Topology, later error reports and quantitive values (like
- Confidentiality might be an issue, but we might get a subset of e.g.
only machines in the computing centre

Experiment dashboards - existing data, analysis and plans:
- Talk by Luca Magnoni
- SDC will move from the DB hadoop cluster to the analystics hadoop cluster
- Start with xroot transfer data (main scalability proof)
- Should we have a common way to store data?
   - Yes, but later, after we tested the implications of different formats
   - For now, we stick with any kind of raw format, which could be
- Should we use the same technology to collect data ? (e.g. flume, stomp ..)
   - This would make it easier to adapt into different formats later
   - This will be discussed in smaller groups
- Ulrich will arrange for putting LSF accounting/config data to analytics cluster

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