SA1 Weekly Reports. * ___________________________________ Elisabetta Ronchieri Continued to change client in branch 1.4.0 Paolo Fabiani provided me the latest disseminator package that I forwarded to Michele Pace, Lorenzo Dini and Marco Canaparo > QUESTIONS: > - Status of the migration to the new SQLite based client: local-editing? > Not yet completed. Possibly it will be ready for the end of next week not before, considering that it must also be tested. Of course, I do not exclude the possibility to finish it within this week. ___________________________________ L.Dini Support: - fastutil binaries fixed (rmoved a - from the downloadFrom) - added cvs rights for 4DSoft: avail.etics | etakacs milassin zthalmei | org.etics.plugins.cccc avail.etics | etakacs milassin zthalmei | org.etics.plugins.ckjm avail.etics | etakacs milassin zthalmei | org.etics.plugins.checkstyle - mpace and canaparo in CVS and added CVS rights for trend-analysis Repository Migrations: - installed etics-hd - migration script from local hd to afs for etics-repository running Repository - new development: - delimiter for URLs changed from $ to /-/ (backward compatible) - optimized the load statistics for reports and packages (sorting optimization) - implemented monitored shutdown process - statistics serialization/deserialization for fast restart Build-System service - changed DB schema with new size of checkoutOptions and submitOptions, created config and updated 2.0.3-2 Deliverables/Meetings - SA1 work plan review - read JRA2 deliverable on multi-node - scanned SA1 deliverable on support - Revew of the Submitter behavior document with Elisabetta - Meting in Juelich organized on submitter and multi-node QUESTIONS: - Status of the migration to the new SQLite based client: local-editing? ______________________________ M.Zurek Trip repost prepared and send to SA1 and Isabel ------------------------ Preparation of etics1 and etics1-repository ---------------------- installation of nodes opening the ports or external access etics1 ETICS data present, NMI database needs to be migrated etics1-repository requires data import (database + JackRabbit binary) * issues with local accounts being disabled on both nodes (machines installed by FIO) ----------------- new images preparation for virtualization --------------------- Debian 4 64bits * troubles with VMWare Server crashing Addressing security issues for installations of ------------------------ - Ubuntu - Debian Upgrade of lcg-CA (security certs.) ---------------- replacement of 32-bit machines with 64-bit ---------------------- CERN needs to empty vault for the new machines installations. The machines running 32-bits OS need to be replaced with 64-bit ones. The migration should happen before and during summer. NOTE: the nodes used by different activities will be replaced (lxb1110 and lxb2180). work on the SA1 work plan -------------- work on automatic repository installation --------------------- automated data import needed automatic certificate/right registration adding memory to etics-repository ---------------------- Investigation. Not possible with current installation. Migration to new node is the only option preparation for IT-GD presentation ------------------ Update to DB schema is needed (column size changed?) webservice v1.3.5-1 needs to be registered somewhere (etics_R_2_0_3_2?) ________________________________ INFN SA1 - Setup of CERN accounts - Disseminator package checkout and modifications in order to let it run on Linux platform (originally developed under Win) - Run and test of the application with upgraded jar libraries. - Disseminator source code analysis and small modifications concerning variables and naming conventions - Latest modifications provided by Elisabetta committed to CVS - Study of GWT widgets and samples applications - Removed constraint in source code concerning the maximum number of metrics in disseminator's interface. (EticsTrendAnalysis) Questions: - Schedule code modifications or enhancements to be implemented next week __________________________________ A.Aimar Sent my ETICS time writing the DSA1.1 deliverable. Could not do much else. It was a terrible experience. Started reviewing the DSA2.1 deliverable. Confirmed that we have a fellow hired, starting September 08. Issues: - We need to do a review and update theSA1 tasks. The list below is out of date.