23–27 Mar 2015
Physics Department, Oxford University
Europe/London timezone

Dust sensors for long term data preservation

25 Mar 2015, 09:00
Martin Wood Lecture Theatre, Parks Road (Physics Department, Oxford University)

Martin Wood Lecture Theatre, Parks Road

Physics Department, Oxford University

IT Facilities & Business Continuity IT Facilities and Business Continuity


Julien Leduc (CERN)


CERN Computer Center (CC) is a large building that integrates several kilometers of fibers, copper cables, pipes and several complex installations (UPSes, water cooling, heat exchangers...). This evolving building is a large theater with numerous actors: - contractors, performing construction work, building maintenance or hardware replacement - engineers and technicians, debugging hardware and performing critical upgrades on the servers - visitors, touring inside the computing facilities All those external activities are not without consequences on the hosted IT equipment. Last year, the CERN CC tape infrastructure was impacted by an isolated air contamination incident which affected around 125 files on a dozen tapes and two drives. Since long term data preservation is one of our missions we need to take this new environmental parameter into account. This presentation will expose the problems and challenges we are facing, and more importantly the solutions we developed to better monitor CERN CC environment around our tape libraries and strategies to limit the impact of airborne particles on the LHC data.

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