HEPiX IPv6 working group Ongoing actions as of start of meeting on 21 January 2015 1) AndreaS reports plans to work with the SAM team in setting up SAM tests over IPv6 to have independent experiment tests (to check that lcg-cp works). *ACTION* AndreaS. 2) We decided to use two FTS3 servers in round-robin mode (Imperial and KIT). Duncan, Tony and Thomas Hartmann at KIT to take this forward. *ACTION* Duncan, Tony and KIT. 3) FrancescoP proposes that we could monitor services in BDII to then see which have AAAA records in DNS and are indeed reachable over IPv6. It was agreed that this seems the best way forward. Francesco will look into this (all public endpoints). *ACTION* FrancescoP. 4) Work with CERN security team on documenting the top 10 security issues related to IPv6 for sites to consider. *ACTION* DaveK. 5) We should check Grid logging for IPv6 compliance. *ACTION* Who?