28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Effective field theory for long-range properties of bottomonium states

30 Aug 2016, 16:20
Alexandros I (Makedonia Palace)

Alexandros I

Makedonia Palace

Section C: Heavy Quarks Section C


Gastao Krein (UNESP)


We derive an analytical expression for the chromopolarizability of bottomonium states using the framework of potential nonrelativistic QCD. Next, using the QCD trace anomaly we obtain the two-pion production amplitude for the chromopolarizability operator and match the result to a chiral effective field theory for bottomonium states and pions as degrees of freedom. In this chiral effective field theory we compute long-range properties of bottomonium states such as the leading chiral logarithm correction to the mass of the 1S bottomonium and derive the van der Waals potential between two bottomonium states. Finally, we discuss the perspectives of using the developed chiral effective theory to evaluate two-pion decay amplitudes of bottomonium states.


We derive an analytical expression for the chromopolarizability of bottomonium states using the framework of potential nonrelativistic QCD. Next, using the QCD trace anomaly we obtain the two-pion production amplitude for the chromopolarizability operator and match the result to a chiral effective field theory for bottomonium states and pions as degrees of freedom. In this chiral effective field theory we compute long-range properties of bottomonium states such as the leading chiral logarithm correction to the mass of the 1S bottomonium and derive the van der Waals potential between two bottomonium states. Finally, we discuss the perspectives of using the developed chiral effective theory to evaluate two-pion decay amplitudes of bottomonium states.

Primary author


Antonio Vairo Dr Jaume Tarrús-Castellà (Physik-Department, Technische Universität München) Nora brambilla

Presentation materials