28 August 2016 to 4 September 2016
Europe/Athens timezone

Properties of QCD with nonzero chiral chemical potential

1 Sept 2016, 17:20
Amfitrion I (Makedonia Palace)

Amfitrion I

Makedonia Palace

Section A: Vacuum Structure and Confinement Section A


Dr Victor Braguta (ITEP)


This report is devoted to the study of the QCD phase diagram with nonzero chiral chemical
potential within lattice simulation. In particular, it is studied the question how nonzero
chiral chemical potential influences the transitions: confinement/deconfinement and
breaking/restoration of chiral symmetry. The results of the calculation can be
explained by the phenomenon which we called chiral catalysis. This phenomenon
is based on the fact that the chiral chemical potential plays a role of the catalyst
of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking.

Primary author


Presentation materials