13–19 Jun 2015
University of Alberta
America/Edmonton timezone
Welcome to the 2015 CAP Congress! / Bienvenue au congrès de l'ACP 2015!

Update of the imaging capabilities of the biomedical imaging and therapy facility at the Canadian Light Source

17 Jun 2015, 19:04
CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge (University of Alberta)

CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge

University of Alberta

Poster (Non-Student) / affiche (non-étudiant) Instrumentation and Measurement Physics / Physique des instruments et mesures (DIMP-DPIM) DIMP Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches, avec bière DPIM


M. Adam Webb (Canadian Light Source)


The BioMedical Imaging and Therapy (BMIT) facility provides synchrotron-specific imaging and radiation therapy capabilities [1-5]. There are two separate end-stations used for experiments: the Bending Magnet (BM) 05B1-1 beamline [3] and the Insertion Device (ID) 05ID-2 beamline [4-5]. Core research programs include human and animal reproduction, cancer imaging and therapy, spinal cord injury and repair, cardiovascular and lung imaging and disease, bone and cartilage growth and deterioration, mammography, developmental biology, gene expression research as well as the introduction of new imaging methods. There has been an active user program on the 05B1-1 beamline for the last four years and this is now expanding with the opening of 05ID-2 to higher energies (up to 120 keV) and a higher capacity positioning system (up to 450 kg). The CT program in particular has grown rapidly and is expected to grow not only in terms of the number of proposals but also in terms of greater complexity, desire for greater speed with higher resolution and the imaging of live animals. CT scans can range from imaging of a piglet with 200 µm resolution to imaging of bone samples with micron resolution. In this poster we update the capabilities of the BMIT facility and describe recent developments of the imaging modalities available for users. Examples of imaging techniques developed at BMIT include: K-edge subtraction imaging (KES and spectral-KES), phase contrast imaging (PCI) and Diffraction Enhanced Imaging (DEI, also known as ABI) both in projection and CT modes. Looking forward, BMIT is adding new capabilities such as a larger vertical beam, faster detectors and access to higher energies. REFERENCES 1. Chapman LD, (2007) CLSI Doc. No. Rev. 0.A 2. Chapman LD, (2006) CLSI Doc. No. Rev. 0 3. Wysokinski TW et al. (2007) NIM A 582:73-76 4. Wysokinski TW et al. (2013) J. Phys: Conf Ser 425: 07 5. Wysokinski TW et al. (2015) NIM A 775:1-4.

Primary author

M. Adam Webb (Canadian Light Source)


Bassey Bassey (University of Saskatchewan) Dean Chapman (University of Saskatchewan) Denise Miller (Canadian Light Source) George Belev (Canadian Light Source) Mercedes Martinson (University of Saskatchewan) Nazanin Samadi (University of Saskatchewan) Ning Zhu (Canadian Light Source) Tomasz W. WysoKinski (Canadian Light Source)

Presentation materials